Monday, March 9, 2009

What Happened to my Writers?

Wyler Nation has a roster of 5 talented writers (excluding myself of course) but it seems as though those writers have disappeared on me. Oh where, oh where could my writers be? I miss the blunt writing style of Captain Faggot and the crabby rants of James B. Wyler. Noah and Curt can go fuck themselves, just kidding, I miss hearing from all of you!


Rav's_Desire said...

Maybe they are having a vacation. Possibly over-exposure to certain people can result in withdrawal stages. Just a possibility...
Actually, I wouldn't mind being a writer. It's good practice for me to write. I am planning to do an English course, so I think that should probably have a go to see what I'm like.
Let me know what you think

sjchan said...

At least this way we get to hear from you more

dickophile said...

while your writers are entertaining we cum here for you mason!

Aiden Ash said...

I'll be a write Mason!!!

Anonymous said...

Give me a few days beyotch! Damn. It takes time to come up with shit to rant about you know.

kisses and ranting

james b wyler

Matthew said...

Really enjoy this blog!!

Rav's_Desire said...

Just had an idea, how about if you did a trial run on a few of the wannabe writers (me being one of them), and then see which one can give the best performance. That way, everything is balanced and there will be an even chance of anyone winning.
Please, I would like everyone's opinion on this to see if it is a good idea.
Take care

Justin said...

Bad idea. As witty as some of them may be, no one comes to this site for the other columnist. They come to see and hear what (and who) Mason has been doing.

Possible fourth said...

I might be willing to contribute, but since I have been writing as a profession all my life, I would have to be paid in some way. This is basically a for-profit enterprise, isn't it?

Aiden Ash said...

That could be good :) Save you and marcus some time! Have a blog contest you write the topic and have potential writers execute it! Or you could just write about your young porn star in training! ;)