Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Second Star to the Right and Straight on 'til Morning

Words cannot begin to describe the joy I am feeling. I am a diehard Star Trek (The movies) Fan and I will admitt a big reason why I went to go see A Quantum of Solace this past weekend was to watch this trailer on the big screen... Although Daniel Craig and Dame Judi Dench were more than enough to keep me seated afterwards.

Starring my favorite Blind stud, Chris Pine

And my favorite villain Zachary Quinto

Along side the devilishly handsome Karl Urban

The totally adorable and totally fuckable Anton Yelchin

And one of the hottest daddies alive, Eric Bana

Who else is excited???


theCandySpookie said...

Didnt you think Quantum of Solace was not only the worst James Bond movie but a movie thats budget went to a complete waste? It was as if it had no plot, whatsoever.

l said...

i'm extremely skeptic about the star trek movie, JJ abrams has done some interesting things with Lost and cloverfield, and while it does look shiny, it doesn't appear to be canon with anything in star trek previously. also everything abrams does borders on the ridiculous so i'm not sure what to do with it

The Priest said...

Daniel Craig rules has a James Bond, and he's damn hot!
I so wanna see the new Star Trek! Chris Pine is sooooo adorable!!!

Jason said...

I'm very skeptical about this movie, as well. I didn't take Enterprise as a series seriously at first because it messed up some canon things, so we will see when the movie comes out if it is ridiculous or not.

Matthew said...

I'm cautiously optimistic. The cast is great. They're all very hot and talented. But still, the potential to really screw things up is huge here.

kelc1275 said...

You're a Star Trek fan? From what I've noticed, here's a sizable difference between Star Trek fans and Star Wars fans. Mainly, the smartness factor. Star Trek fans seem to be more bookish and well-read than their Star Wars counterparts. I am not a big sci-fi fan, but I've watched Star Wars as a kid (because my cousin worked on the sets) and became a fan of Star Wars movies after meeting George Lucas. To me, they're both good, but not really my cup of tea.

jabbercrombie said...

I am so there-----can't wait, although I do have a serious daddie thing for Jean Luc Picard :)

L.A. Fireman said...

I can't wait for the movie! Looks like it could be one of the best ones yet!

JAck lynch said...

me soo bad it hurts

Gusty said...

I think the fact that you are an unashamed geek is the sexiest thing about you.

I saw the Trailer and wet my pants just a little bit. Can't wait.

openMIKE said...

I have dirty dreams about Eric Bana... Before I read the post, I totally hoped you were talking about the astral conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, on 2 December. I'm such a dork...

hotdawg said...

Being a Trek fan for more years than I care to mention (original series - not reruns - anyone?), I have to say that I'm a bit skeptical about this one as well. While the trailers look good and everything looks slick and shiny, it looks too futuristic to be that time period in the Star Trek Universe.

I know many of you will say that Enterprise looked more advanced than the original series. It did, but the tech looked more like what we have today. That being said, the tech in the movie trailers looks more advanced than the Next Generation.

I have some theories as to how it could be explained, but I don't want this post to be book-length.

I will go see it and reserve judgment until that time.

Zack in ATX said...

I don't know that I think that Anton Yelkin is really fuckable. I love him as an actor, but, fuckable?? Not buying it. I loved him in Charlie Bartlett. If you haven't seen it...you must!

Spherical Time said...

I am! Chris Pine is dreamy!