I did it because I wanted to get fucked by Owen Hawk. Out of all the performers in all of gay porn, bareback and condom, Owen has always been and will always be my ideal top. I have spent the last few years getting to know Owen and in that time my desire to work with him has only grown stronger. He has created a bareback production company which shares similarities in quality with the bigger "safe-sex" studios. His roster of attractive models (his boyfriend and himself included) buck the ugly trend that a lot of the other American Bareback studios create and perpetuate. And his pay scale is inline with what I'm used to, which contrary to popular belief, bareback porn usually pays far less than condom porn. But above all that, Owen Hawk is simply one hot man who on many levels, fully understands me. Ultimately, I chose to go with Owen Hawk and RawFuckClub.com over the other studios because his offer was far more appealing all-around.
I did it because I prefer bareback sex and I'd rather be with other openly HIV positive men. It's understandable for HIV negative people to fear working with me due to my status, even when a condom is part of the equation, but that fear also turns me off to them. If everyone is turned off then why bother? Even if a major "safe-sex" studio wanted me, I'm not sure I could shoot with a HIV negative partner or with a partner of unknown status (unlike my situation, most models HIV statuses are not revealed to the public or within the industry itself), even if said partner was totally fine with me. A part of me would be afraid I could possibly spread infection to them which would hinder my performance. As it stands right now, I feel more comfortable being in bareback with models whose statuses are known to me.
My video has reinvigorated online debate about the role gay porn serves in the gay community and the correlation between bareback porn and viewers participating in bareback sex. My opinion is that porn's role is to entertain not to educate and that bareback sex does not influence real life behaviors. I truly enjoyed making the video with Owen and Brandon. I hope some of you take it for what it is (entertainment) and enjoy watching it.
i have more of a positive new-found respect for you then i did yesterday after reading this - you're now at the top of my list of bareback performers
glad to see you blogging again!
As they say, when one door closes open a window... :P
Great to see you blogging again. The scene on RFC was amazing. Great job! You guys look fantastic.
I really hate to perpetuate a right-wing term; however, what an honorable way to 'man up'. Good for you. One can't stop living his life because of the prejudices of others. You have chosen to come into the light and accept your status and proudly so. Fortunately, the disease isn't the death sentence it once was. I wish you all the best of luck and look forward to viewing more of your videos in the future. Again, well done.
Mason, you are such a beautiful person both inside and out. I want you to stay well and would much prefer if you used condoms. You are a big star. What is wrong with producers that are unwilling to work with you. They are goofy. Surely, a talent like Mason Wyler will be supported by your fans in whatever you do. We love you Mason!
The scene was HOT! I look forward to more barebacking scenes from you. And...FYI...you look just as hot and amazing as you have always looked!!!
Hi Mason, I'm an Italian blogger. How can I hold of you for an interview ?! thanks
First, you are still one hot man. Second, thanks for posting an insightful look into your reasoning and thoughts on doing bareback porn. Finally, let me say that seeing your video up there is why I joined RFC, a great site. Keep up the good work, and look forward to more from you!
LOST YOUR LOOKS! Are you completely bonkers! Your FINE AS!
I think it is important to note that HIV as a disease is not as simple as being "positive" or "negative". Two HIV+ individuals can have entirely different strains of the virus. Even individuals who were originally infected with the same strain can incubate the virus and end up carrying different strains. It is not a definite outcome but what this means is that the health of both individuals could deteriorate if they shared strains with one another which their bodies weren't used to.
I'm happy they found you and you found them. And you look just as hot now as you did when you fist started doing porn. Above all, you are being responsible for your actions and choices now which you can't say about a lot of people.
These guys (production and fans) are in love with an image. These guys do not know you and will care little for you when your looks fade. There are other jobs and opportunities outside of BB. You will end up with more infections. Seriously, when your 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, etc... you will not be able to continue in this industry. You need to really consider if this is truly worth the money and limited time of your investment. Did Owen Hawk offer you royalties on your films? I wish you the best. Dallas, Tx.
Very well said. I've followed your career and enjoyed watching you fuck and suck since I first saw you on Corbin Fisher. When I recently heard about your HIV+ status I feared it might be the end of your career. Gladly it seems it is not. I look forward to seeing more of your hot body (you look just as good as ever!) in bareback action. I admire your honesty and integrity. You were and still are one of my top 5 all-time porn boys. Stay happy, horny and healthy.
you still look great.
Thank you for sparking discussion about HIV, "safer" sex, and the responsibility of the individual to determine what risky behavior in which he will engage.
What you do when you have sex is yours to decide. You have the agency to consent to any form of sex you desire (except under the influence of drugs and alcohol, whereby you lose your power to consent).
I would love to hear you speak about your feelings on acquiring a different strain of HIV, your experiences with HIV medications, and how you see your career moving forward if you are not a "long term progressor."
I hear prevention is great medicine! You should ask your physician how prevention can help safeguard you against HIV, because HIV is bad. What do I know though, you're that one guy who is on the internet making it big kind of, somewhat, maybe, sometimes.
And if anyone gives you shit, you just tell them "Jasun said for you to go fuck yourself."
Full steam ahead, buddy, I'm on your side.
Mr. Wyler, (yeah I know your legal name) I just wanted to support you in your very difficult choices. God bless you, please don't spread the infection, I know you are a man of honnor I believe you wouldn't open someone to risk without full disclosure. I want to offer a good dose of media spin. Do condom safe porn too and give our young boys a good, hansome, and I feel wholesome role model to look up towards. Mason so many young gay men want to be like you... You know the reasons why. Please be a good gent for them they need to know you can be Poz and have a good life and that includes sex with Neg, boys using safe procautions. Mason please don't let me down. In my peer group so many little dudes look up to you, admire and lust after you, please help them remember it's important to be safe. Please Mr. Wyler the little guys I work with look up to you. Tucson Az Teen group worker.
It's been such a long time since the last time I visited ur blog. Now I know the news that u're HIV positive and believe me or not I cried my eyes out. I don't know what to say but I'm sure that u'll still my most adorable star. Luv u so much!
Mason you work in an industry you enjoy and you should continue to do so .. What the public needs to understand is porn stars are NOT role models but fantasys that bring joy to some ...If you do not like bareback sex than do not watch it .. There are tons of other mostly boring condom sites out there ... People need to stop being the porn police and tend to themselves.. All models are over 18 so they are responsible for there own health.. On a side note .. Mason I have not seen u in the gym lately what is up with that ?
Mmmm please do more bareback scenes!!! I love them!!!
A mixed bag of responses. I turned age 50 on Feb 5, 2011-Sat, along with my non identical twin brother. I would love to bareback and suck dick, not be worried, but I have a superstrain of HIV and high viral loads, or what the Docs tell me. Some males have heavy strains, and in Gay bareback porn, more contact with such infectors. The lesser of two evils is that you are serosorting, the major, that you are exposing your internal organs and rectum to pathogens. HPV and other things. I thought of the late Casey Donovan and others that fucked until they expired with their porn images as immortality. I would have thought you would pursue other money making avenues besides condomed or bareback porn. You could have stuck to webcamming for pay, you are famous. Perhaps the new meds will kill 100 percent of HIV in next 5 years. Unfortunately, pop culture makes aging past 35 a death sentence. You keep up your body you can make porn in your 60s with the niche market. If you must, stick to Poz partners. Who knows where this road will take you Mason.
You are just as hot as ever. I'm glad to see you doing bareback porn now, it is so hot seeing your ass being fucked full of the cum it needs.
I can't wait to see more bareback scenes from you!!! :)
You still rank as one of the hottest porn stars ever in my opinion, so let's quit that "compared to who's out there today" crap. You are gorgeous! I think a large part of it is finding out your personality on this here blog thingy, it makes you even sexier in my opinion.
<3 you!
Time to get that video now, 'scuse me...
Niiiiice. "I did it because I wanted to and I needed the money". You didn't harm anyone. You weren't harmed. You reclaimed the sexuality which was your birthright. That's revolutionary in its own way. To the queens going on about how you're "endangering yourself"...girls, you came for the show, now shut up and watch!
Hello Mason
I like your work. Big fan. Always been always will.
Your are a beautiful, intelligent and brave young man.
Keep on doing what you want to do.
Greetings from Switzerland.
Mason Mason Mason... Apart from love reading your blog to find how that mind of yours work, I obviously enjoy watching you do what you're so damn good and hot at. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us - you are truly stunning - mind, body and soul! Keep up the good work - not to mention your 'other' bit too... :) PS Wish I lived in Houston...
Dear Mr. Wyler, first of all, please forgive my English, which is very poor. I could not say this topic makes me happy at all. Of course, you are the owner of your life and actions, but you should carefully think about the consequences of doing things like that... You have what you needed now: news, relevant articles on the net... But what´s next?? A person like you, who has had and still has an incredible body and a handsome face, should have a solution for the future moment when you can´t offer what the media, the jerkers and this industry requires, which is what you still have, but will not always have... I am not like you, and I know I will never have a couple like you. That has made me be aware of what is the most important thing within the life, which is not being an incredible lover, but a PERSON myself. I have loved your body, but I am a man who never would love your person (your mind or your heart) as a whole, because I know I will never sadly have the oportunity to have sex with you... But your life is more important than all your fans and this industry.
To sum up, in my opinion, instead of looking for more improbable shoots on this media, you should look for an apartted life from the porn industry styled life; look for a person who loves you for what you are as a person (and not only a body) and, please, look for a job which makes you feel as a professional, and not a sex machine...
I will always love your movies, though :)
As a person who's followed your careers since Cade banged the daylights out of you on Corbin Fisher, it's great to see you enter a new phase in your career.
I'm a little concerned though that you are misleading people to think that you're new HIV+ diagnosis means you can do without condoms. You are still at risk for other strains of the virus, as well as other STDs that can weaken your immune system.
So many kids today are under the delusion that HIV+ means you don't have to worry about safe sex. You actually have to be MUCH more careful on choosing your partners and protecting yourself.
You can still have a career in this industry. I don't understand why you don't set up your own webcam and set up your own pay website?
A big hug. Life goes on and you with it.
I wish you'd work with Max at TIM!!
"ugly trend" - your post is very open-minded until that phrase, when suddenly it gets very close-minded. isn't taste subjective? and why hate on people that simply don't share yours?
As a long time volunteer with an AIDS organization & a sexually active man & I am HIV negative, I do have a problem that many people, reading some of the comments from others, we all must do our part to stop glamourizing unsafe sex/condomless sex/bareback/raw/breed practices. Which ever term you prefer. Judging by the great friends I have made through my work with ASOs & that Canada has a pretty decent healthcare system & social benefits program... What about the rest of the world?
I know in the U.S. you have to pay to see a doctor, go into the hospital or even get a prescription refilled.
Don't get me wrong. I do love porn & I am frequent view of porn.
Does Mason Wyler address the issue of staying healthy or does it all come down to paycheck or does it all come to why bother? I'm positive.
It's not a curse or a death sentence... It could mean you could very well make YOUR life that much more difficult.
The reality is that there is a risk of getting infected by a strain where one or more of you meds will not be effective, wiping out the effectiveness of the other meds. It is always your choice though and serosorting like you did, does not put people at risk. You should probably all have genotype blood tests done so you know if your strain is resistant to any meds and decide what you will do from there.
I have a really way out there idea, so I want you, Mr Nation, to take a deep breath and sit down before you read the following:
Get a real job.
I know, I know, it's a bizarre notion and people might call me a crackpot, but I think it should nonetheless be considered.
Life sucks, but you are taking it head on and not looking back. You are doing what you have to do to survive in this world and that you shouldn't have to give a reason for. You are still living life, you are still having fun, and you are looking out for the well being of others. And from my point of view, you are very sexy and attractive and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Keep you head up high and confidence in yourself higher.
Seeing you get fucked RAW at RFC was fuckin HOT!!! Hope to see many more raw scenes from you in the future!!! A fan forever !!
Dude I must say that your an insperation for other young Posative men such as myself who have had offers to do movie and turned them down due to our status and dame you three where hot
So many gays fear HIV. I think they should embrace it. I'd fuck you bareback Wyler regardless of your hiv status, it doesn't concern me at all.
We're all going to die someday regardless. I'm tired of all the HIV fear mongerers.
So Mason...gay.com quotes you as saying "bareback sex doesn’t influence real-life behavior."
My comment to you is...SPEAK FOR YOURSELF BRO! I was never even into fucking, let alone barebacking until I started seeing it in porn. Yes, I understand the final decision was mine but it's what turned me on to it.
Please don't speak for everyone and say what is what, speak for yourself and yourself only!
Dear Mason Wyler: I live in Venezuela. I'm HIV + too. I got infected after 4 years of relationships with my couple, when none of us showed symptons and one good day i asked him for finishing inside of me. So I am responsible for that and feeling his cum inside of me made me feel completely compenetrated with my couple. our relationship lasted 11 years. He died a years and 7 months ago. When you trust someone you also assume the consequences of your own acts. <i loved my couple even more when I knew that I had been infected because of what he told me: We do not know at this moment who is guilty or not buet we love each other and we must continue this way withouh thinking of who is guilty for the infection of the other". So form that moment we stayed together saying "I love you" to each other till the end.
Since the first time I saw you in a video I haven't stopped admiring you. thanks for keeping my desire alive. Now I know your HIV status I admire you much more. It requires to be a real man to confront the world in the way you do.
I really love you and i enjoy your work in the way you assume to do it.
Keep on please.
You had a difficult decision to make given that you had been given the cold shoulder by mainstream. I am not surprised at your choice and in the end, it is your choice alone. Did you make a wise choice? Well, time will tell, and there will be more than one time you will come to assess your choices. I like how you said that people should recognise what you do as entertainment, however, there's a significant percentage who just might not... good luck! :-)
No One knows the term RATIONALIZATION better than you.
Your commentary was inane and exhibited intellectual melanomia.
Instead of being a real example to young gay men you squander your intellectual worth on this obvious narcissism.
When the French philospher said : "Hell is other people...", take a good look. I've met gay men and women who daily give of themselves to help others...doctors, social workers, firemen, teachers, etc. each of whom leave this planet much better for their selfless contributions...and then there is Mason Wyler.
You've got my support kid.. Don't let the poz thing get in your way.. there's no reason to let it, this day in age.. :)
WOW, Mason. I've been a fan for years. I've watched most of your stuff and, for all intensive purposes, enjoyed it thoroughly! I was surprised and shocked to learn of your HIV status but none the less... it didn't hinder my feeling for you or your work. I think you made the right decision to be open with your status. I now and always will support you in your future endeavors. Hope you are doing well and hopefully see more of your work in the future. Love...
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