Often times I get asked for tips and advice on how to get started in the porn industry. Now I'm not claiming to be an expert on the business, but I am willing to share what I've learned from my experience working as a porn model for the past three years with those of you seriously thinking about getting into adult film entertainment.

First, you need to take a good hard look in the mirror and ask yourself, "Do I really want to be in porn?" In my experience it wasn't that big of a decision for me, I knew it was something I have always wanted to do, I knew the possible consequences and rewards of becoming a porn model and in the end I knew that for me, the pros outweighed the cons. But that may not be the case for you. It may very well affect your future job options especially if you're career goal involves being in the public eye or working for the republican party. Be forewarned that although some porn companies choose to operate under legal names that are non descriptive like "Conwest Resourcing" or "Belator Inc" others have no problem using their studio names as their legal names. Just be prepared to answer future interview questions like: "What is Adult Resource Management? What did you do for them? And why did you only work for them in May and then again in September?" Or "Can you tell me what kind of company Excelsior Media is?" Or "You want this job? Then why don't get down on your knees and suck this dick, you fucking porn slut." Just kidding about that last question... nobody's asked me that...yet. Other things that you should also to take into account is how porn may greatly affect your love life, your relationship with your family, and your standing with friends and colleagues.

Secondly, you need to seriously ask yourself, "Am I physically attractive enough to be in porn?" For newcomers in the porn world, your body is your resume. It's your only way in, forget what you hear about a friend who knows a friend who knows a guy that directs porn. It doesn't matter what connections you may have or may not have. If you're hot, then you're in, if you're not hot, then well, you're not in. It's as simple as that. Yes there are studios catering to niche markets for almost every look and body type, but if you're wanting to work in the mainstream porn world and make it to true porn star status then there are honestly only three "types" of looks that you could achieve that with: College Jock, Body Builder, and Muscle Daddy. I myself never made it to what I consider porn star status but everyone's definition is different. If you consider anyone in porn to be a porn star then truly everyone could be a porn star if they wanted to be.

Next, If you have already sent your pictures to a few places and never heard back from anyone then WORK OUT AND GET MORE MUSCLE. Its not like its a requirement, but I think it helps. Especially if you are somebody who is simply average. If you think you may be too skinny or too fat to be in porn, then you probably are. Gain muscle, lose fat! Trust me when I say muscle will help your chances in the porn world and it'll probably even help your sex life. I'm no Mr. Olympia, hell most of the guys I've worked with had way more muscle than me, but I've been in almost 100 scenes with this one step above twink body, just think what having alot more muscle could do for my career. Yes, yes twinks are cute, I'm personally in love with one, and yes, plenty of people out there are chubby chasers but again, keep in mind that I am giving advice to those of you who want to be in the MAINSTREAM porn world not the niche markets. Muscle has been the in thing for decades and it doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. I'm not saying to go over board, too much of a good thing can turn into a bad thing, I'm just saying, if the you don't get any call backs after you've applied to various studios then maybe you should hit the gym, gain some muscle, and then send out new pictures. If that doesn't work then get even bigger and if even that fails then you probably just aren't meant to be in porn. There's not much else you can do about it.

After you get your body in order, you need to get your face in tip top shape. If you don't already have a good face care regiment then you should start one. Even though alot of the older studios like Colt, Falcon, and Titan have make-up artists on hand many of the newer giants like SeanCody.com, RandyBlue.com and CorbinFisher.com do not. And even with make-up these studios do very little in the way of airbrushing a video so unless you yourself are a Monet with a make-up kit then all those blemishes you want to hide will show up just fine on video. Even more so now with the porn industry's slow progression towards HD quality video. Your face is one of only 4 assets you have starting out. Those being your body, dick, ass, and face. Although each studio weighs each asset a little bit differently, it is always important to take very good care of your face. It's not like you can become a porn star if the camera man only ever shoots you from the neck down. If acne is your problem then I suggest an investment in some prescription Differin Gel or something like it. If you have scars then depending on how bad they are I would say don't worry about it. Scars give you character, acne does not. And yes I have had zits during a shoot and it did affect their opinion of me.

Once you have your body, mind, and face in line then its time to make sure you've got the right equipment, the equipment that you really can't change without alot of money and a plastic surgeon. HOW BIG DOES YOUR DICK NEED TO BE TO BE A PORN STAR? I'd say it can't be smaller than 7" and thick. Having a huge dick will definitely move you to the front of the line, anything 9" and bigger. 10" would definitely put you in a class of your own but if all you got is 7 inches then that would suffice. The size of your dick is of course a pretty important attribute the studios consider when deciding to cast you or not, its of course crucial if you plan to be a top. But size isn't everything. The look of your dick and the way it compliments your over all image also matters. If you are 5'7" and just slim and defined then your dick probably doesn't need to be 7" too look good on you, at the same time someone who is 6'3" and 250lbs of muscle should probably have at least 8" of dick, anything else might look tiny on him. As bottom the size of your penis doesn't matter much as but it will still be something that is considered. Basically, if you have an above average sized penis that fits your body type, isn't super curvy or funky looking, then you should be alright. You don't need a super sized donkey dick to be a porn star but you can't have a Tiny Timmy either.

The last asset you need to consider is well, your ass. This asset isn't really a deal break by any studios standards but a nice ass never hurts... well, unless its getting fucked hard but you know what I mean. Having a full round buttocks will greatly enhance your chances if you want to be a porn star bottom. And nothing turns me on like a hot top with a hot ass, gives me something to grab onto when I'm on my back. If your ass needs a bit of improvement then doing squats and spending time on the stair master should do the trick.

Now it's time to take pictures and send them out. They don't need to be professional that just have to be good quality, RECENT, and large. To find out where to send your pictures, go to each of the porn companies websites, on there they should have a link to an online model application, most if not all of them have one. Make sure that you fill out the entire application. After you've sent them out then you are done, all you can do is sit and wait to hear back. With me, some studios replied immediately, some even in the same day, some didn't respond until months later, while others didn't respond at all. On top of your look and what they are looking for, timing also has alot to do with whether they respond or not. Lots of times if you apply a few weeks before a planned shoot then you will almost always hear back. And there's no way of telling when they might be looking for new models and when they are not so it is best to apply through out the year. Keep in mind that this isn't manhunt we are talking about here, if you send out pictures that are old and look nothing like you now, the studio will send you back with a bill so not only will you have wasted time, you will have wasted money.

If you are actually offered a shoot then here are a few more things you should consider:
*Some shoots can take as little as 30 minutes to shoot while others take upwards of 6 hours. You can never be entirely sure which shoot might unexpectedly take longer than planned. So as a bottom be prepared to literally get fucked for hours with only a few short breaks in between. As a top be prepared for chaffing and being expected to stay hard for hours, with or without Viagra.
*You don't need to live in California to work in porn, the studios worth working for will fly you out to wherever the shoot location is, pay for your airfare, your hotel, and your food on top of your scene rate.
*If you are a bottom then make sure you properly and thoroughly douche out your hole before walking onto the set. SERIOUSLY, you may think it's common sense but I have seen a few guys that had no idea that they needed to do it or didn't think it was necessary who had streams of brown gooey liquid running down there leg, nothing kills a hard on like the smell of shit.
*If you are a top then make sure you wash your junk before walking on set. Nut musk is not a smell most other porn stars are fond of. You want the cocksucker to go "Mmmmmm" when he is sucking your dick, not gag.
*If you do make a name for yourself in the porn world, don't act like you're a celebrity, because you're not. The moment your ego gets bigger than your dick, people will notice. Its more attractive to stay humble and realize that we work in West Hollywood not Hollywood.
*We have sex for a living, some people call that being a whore, get used to it. I don't see myself as that but that doesn't stop people from saying otherwise.
*You don't have to have sex with the director to continue working in porn. I've been in the business three years and have never slept with the boss... although there are a select bosses I've had that I would love to bend over for.
*The pay rate varies greatly and is dependent upon many factors such as: Which studio the shoot is for, What you will be doing in the shoot, How you market yourself to the studio, how big of a "star" you are, and the factor that matters the most of course is your level of physical beauty. The hotter you are the more money you can ask for. Its a science trying to figure out how much you think that they think you are worth and getting it.

*Many studio owners have an affinity with coercing "straight" boys into having gay sex thus those particular studios have been known to shell out the big bucks for guys who claim to be heterosexual. If you decide to play that role then it is best that you start off slow with your sexual "experimenting". There is a set routine that these boys follow and it goes a little something like this: "Straight" model does jerk off scene, "Straight" model plays with a sex toy, "Straight" Model gets his dick sucked by a guy, "Straight" model fucks a guy, and so on until finally the "Straight" model gets his hole plowed a few times. Point being, if you want to play straight boy then take it slow, don't let your first scene be some huge gang bang. I always thought it was best to just be yourself but I suppose if you wanted to make more money then playing it straight might be to your benefit.
*Never let yourself be pressured into doing something that makes you feel uncomfortable but at the same time realize that it is a job and it isn't always fun and games.
*Know the difference between being told it's a one on one scene and getting there to find out they want to stick you in a gang bang as the bottom AND being told you will be working with a hot Latino muscle dude and getting there to find out your scene partner was a no show and now you're working with a white twink boy. The first situation is utterly messed up and you definitely should just walk out while the second situation is just something that happens from time to time and you should probably just suck it up and deal with it. Yes, you can usually ask to see who your scene partners will be before saying yes to a shoot. But be aware that sometimes things change at the last minute and you might get stuck with someone else. Its all part of what makes it a job and why its called acting.

*Be safe and know the health risks. In an effort to make the porn world safer, more and more studios are requiring full and frequent STD testing and do not use models who test positive for anything but your health is honestly your own responsibility. Just because a model's test results are negative today does not mean he didn't contract HIV yesterday. And HIV isn't the only thing you should worry about, theres a whole plethora of STDs that you could possibly get. Wearing condoms during sex is the only way to safe guard yourself from disease. I am no angel when it comes to safe sex and each time I participate in unsafe practices like cum swallowing I am putting myself at risk. A shot to the chest is just as hot but I can never seem to close my mouth when a dick starts to spew. Yes its hot and so far I've been lucky but its a dangerous game I'm playing with every load I swallow. Save yourself the stress and keep it clean.

*It's your money that you've earned, do whatever you want with it, but I highly recommend saving the money you make because porn is not a highly secure income. You may be in the porn industry for a lifetime but the survey says that you will probably be done before the year is over.
*If you make it into porn and you are a top then email me and we can try to get a scene together! I'm sure by now you know how much I love my job and how much more I love cock. Believe me, my deep throating skills are probably the best... And contrary to popular opinion, my ass is still pretty tight. But I suppose you can be the judge of that. Just kidding, I am so not trying to get a hook up through this blog entry. Well maybe I am. You know I had to throw a line out there.
*HAVE FUN! If you are going to be in porn then do it because you love to have sex and show off and let the money be an added bonus NOT the sole reason for doing it. Be a hooker if you just want easy money. They probably make more anyway.