I've jerked off five times already and my dick just keeps getting back up. To make matters worse, Marcus isn't just out, he is out of town. He drove up to Dallas to make sure our furniture gets moved out on time. I opted to stay in Houston to unpack most of our belongings. FUCK what a mistake that was.
It's times like these that I really shouldn't be left to my own devices. Granted Marcus and I had a talk just before he left and we both agreed that it would be OK if we slept with other people if one of us was out of town. But I was really hoping that I wouldn't want to. I mean we just got back together and he's still recovering from our incident. I thought something so traumatic would slow down my sex drive, at least for awhile. I feel pretty fucked up for being so cock hungry this soon after

Right now theres only one thing standing in my way, my brother. He is in town visiting and will be staying with me for a few days. I have to play tour guide and show him around instead of trying to find big dicked studs to plow my hole until they burst. Which is obviously what I wish I was doing right now.
You can bet that as soon as my brother leaves I am going to go on an all out cock binge until Marcus gets back. I plan on stuffing my face and spreading my hole with the hottest, juiciest man meat Houston has to offer. And its even better that next week I will be on my way to California for an eight day porn shoot. It's just a matter of time now. I know this all makes me sound like a selfish greedy cock slut... but I never said I wasn't.
Should I fight my cock addiction or give in to it?

god do i wish i was living closer 2 you...i say go for it...u cant help u LOVE COCK!! and Marcus did say it was okay in this situation.
u r damn fine!!! no matter what u say!!! and as for possible model...i wish i lived closer, as i would luv 2 get naughty with u...on camera....i'm no A&F stud...but no dog either...but i'd luv a chance 2 fool around w u...vers here as well....
embrace your need. surrender to the power of cock :)
i wish live closer of you to help you =)
think about it, you are a men, and you need sex,is hard to fight with a cock addiction,, and marcus say: it was ok,
Don't Fight With Your Cock addiction,, =)
Remember: Safe Sex!
I wish I was closer to you. I would love to stuff my hot cock down your throat and up your tight hole. I love to play with cock and nipples and sweet holes. If u pass thru Tucson hit me up. hehehe. I've been told that I'm a handsome guy.
Hold out until next week. It'll make it better. Plus Marcus would be impressed...
definitely give into it. and make sure to take pictures so you can share it with us.
embrace your desires. unexplored desires in the present are the regrets of the future.
I just wish that mine and jason's traveling schedule put us in your city now to help you satisfy your needs.
just be who you are that is all that matters
hey Mason, stay true to marcus, just think how hot it will be for the both of you when he gets home..STEP AWAY FROM THE COCK!!!!...LOL
You both have an agreement, and the fact that you made it means he may be doing the same thing. As long as it is safe, go for it. You have needs and you have to deal with them somehow.
No! lol
Just wait it out till next week.
What if Marcus is testing you?!?!?!?
You wouldn't want to drive him away? You guys just got back together.
If I had a boyfriend I would stay loyal to him. It's the best thing I could ever ask for.
But it's your choice.
Good Luck!
I say give into it. Take as much cock as you can.
it would be worth it if u could hold out until marcus comes back or you go for your porn shoot. giving in to your impulses isnt necessarily a bad thing but it is more fulfilling once you've attained the sense of overcoming a challenge, in your case - abstinence.
This may be a little off subject, but you've already made the rounds at Corbin Fisher, partied with the guys Next Door, entertained the troops at Active Duty (I, really hate you for that one, I wanted the job), been initiated to the bike club by Pierre Fitch, Ralph Woods and a slew of others at Falcon, and climbed the moutain with Brent Corrigan, so when on the "Mason Wyler Gets Fucked By The Hottest Studs In Gay Porm World Tour" are we going to see you get it on with Brent Everett?
I say save it for the porn shoot. and show the world what a true cock slut you are. Unless Marcus gets home first that is.
having read you for some time now, and never posted, allow me to say this, having gone through having things like what you had done to you, i can say that i about died when my sex drive peaked, it was about a week later, hell i was still not recovered, but i wanted sex so bad, more than the normal i'm a big time cock slut that i am, i thought for about a year ( its been about 3 now this march ) that i was dirty, the pressure between wanting sex, and knowing that i had been so soon before that, forced to have it, was horrible, i found out though, that alot of my motivation, was both to loose myself in something other than rape, and to realize not everyone is so fucked up that they would do that, it helps with my trust, hell i'm still more a hornb all, i guess all this rambling is trying to say that its ok, if you have anyone to talk to, if you need to figure shit out, by all means, i wish you peace understanding and healing, sincerely, someone who finds you admirable
Use it to your advantage and make a few bucks (and fucks) while you're at it.
A question: what movies are these photos from? You're so horny in them Mason.
moderation may be a thought... i know that i am horny all the time myself however just so soon after trauma as you mentioned... it is normal to gravitate to more because you don't want the event to make you feel powerless, you don't want the event to have control... however the wise course may be for caution... enjoy but be wise about it!
Hey man, here's the way I play it. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 6 years. The way we work it out is, if it finds you, then it's okay instead of being on the prowl. Granted, I'm not a hot porn star, but, I definately don't have a hard time getting laid. That being said, do what's right for you. As long as you keep that attitude about it, then Marcus can't be upset, and you will be more than just fulfilling a niche, you'll be fulfilling something more than just impulse. Best of luck! I'm sure whatever you do will be fine.
By now, you should´ve made your choice. I know it´s difficult to be away from the man you deeply desire, but being cock addicted or not, I think waiting provides a deeper pleasure and self-satisfaction. Marcus´cock will be more delicious than it is when he comes back, and he will be more than happy getting you laid just to have his cock all over you in all possible ways. Wait my friend, he is YOUR fucker, he is...
Mason, before I hit the bankwylernation button, what would be your fee for telling the truth?
I say keep on suckin' & fuckin' Mason... A cock in the face is always better than jerking off by yourself.
Mason,as a fellow cumpig,I say give in to your desires,follow your bliss wherever it takes you.You have youth,beauty and one sexy fucking bod...use it while you're still young babe!
Of course you have to give in to your addiction. As Oscar Wilde said : "the only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it".Have as many cocks as you want, but :
Always use a condom, nobody wants a beautiful boy's beauty to be ruined by AIDS.
Try to make LOVE to your boyfriend : it ought to be completely different to your "hygienic" or porn fucks.
No amount of reasoning would ever sway you Mason. Go for it. Your a slut, so slut it up.
Oh for Gosh Sakes, give in, go get some hot cock stuffed up you sweet ass and tell us all about it. Every detail. Wish I was there, I would love to be in on the action.
I'm also addicted to cock... but rubber cocks, I can't keep stuffing my hole with dildos, plugs, anal beads, even dildo double penetrations... I love it... Mason, have you tried with dildos? It feels really great... ;)
Mason, you are beautiful! Don't fight it. Just record it for posterity!
There's no point in "saving" yourself. If you give up an opportunity to give a blow job or get fucked now, you don't get it back later. And don't forget the fact you are performing a service to the other man or men. You're saving them from having to get themselves off. Why should two (or more) dudes be unhappy alone when they can be happier together? Go get your holes filled!
mason your particular good looks come from a steady diet of cum . . . you have the special glow of a cum feeder! think of the streams of cum that have already flowed down your throat, each one tasting ever so slightly different, but each feeding into a mighty river of man-milk! no mason, you can't fight your need for cum anymore than you can stop the rain!
Good grief, you are not a dog in heat, you are a man! Act like one, use your head, NO, the other one and man up!
I would think that being raped would show you that sex with strangers can be bad, and I hope you did not go out and find a man, we all have urges but most times we "sack-up" and just jack off when we have too...that's what makes us different from an animal, we have a brain.
A question first: Although Marcus agreed to the open aspect of this relationship, is this something that he sincerely agreed to or does he just want to keep you at all costs? I don't know the nature of your relationship to judge.
Is he overbearing? Clingy? Needy? What about you? Is this a trial separation for him to see how he can get on without you?
I try to think of monogamy as a present that you give to the person you love instead of a self-imposed prison sentence.
Actually I've been with a porn star in the past (um, I'm way older than you) and he was a really really sweet guy, but his libido was definitely supercharged. I wouldn't call it sex addiction (other than work, he was not promiscuous), but I think he was just neurologically wired differently than most people. His complaint was that most guys could not keep up with him sex-wise.
Everyone thinks it would be amazing to be in a relationship with a hottie porn star, but the reality is exhausting. Guys like me realize that they're not the horndogs they think they are.
It takes a very special person to be able to keep up with someone like you. No need to feel guilty about being horny, it's just in your nature. No need to apologize.
For the right answer, you need to take a good hard look at where your relationship is, where it is going, and what it can withstand. Good luck to you :)
Uhmm Men your make me hot hot
hey mason well i say you should surrender to your addiction it's a shame I don't live in texas your a hot guy and sweet too
jonah m mendell rochester NY
oh yea i am a closeted gay male I go to a church in east rochester ny called koinonia just to fool my friends n family what i really like is giving head to the hot guys in their bathroom while the pastor is preaching.
Geez Mason, I got a big hard on on you at this moment.
So good to see you back in bussines doing you know the best:Suck delicious cocks and being fucked by hot guys.
I will jerk off right now.
Well, it is my first post. I seriously read your post and all comments about it.
I think some of your doubts can be solved with professional help, just like a psychologist. Please try to inform yourself about a existence of some one near where you live now.
I read all comments with attention and interest, because I found very sincere phrases and I agree with some of them. I think like BANE (October 26, 2008 1:20 AM) and he was very happy during his comment when he said "But it's your choice." He demonstrated respect about other thoughts. He showed his opinion, but said this is YOUR choice. For me, his comment was A+!
But also agree with Arthur (October 25, 2008 9:27 PM). With 1 phrase ("just be who you are that is all that matters"), he did remember a very important thing:
the maintaining about our identity.
I saw truth when I read YOUR post and I believe you wanted to collect some opinions (maybe to create your own thought), but I remember you that decisions for life are always important. When I am in doubt, I talk with friends and family, but I think a lot before making my decisions, trying to do the correct choose.
In your case, you related the presence of your brother and I saw something nobody did comment: contact of your family with you after the incident. For me, it was reason for happiness, because, for me, contact with family is always good. However, you also related sexual and/or physical needs and, for me, it is evident two different thoughts inside you: 1) you want to give attention (for your brother) while is waiting for Marcus´s return; 2) you want to have sexual satisfaction, because Marcus is out of town.
When I read something, I do observe the words or expressions and you used the term "my cock addiction". So, I confirmed I think it would be very interesting for you a professional help, with a psychologist. Where you are studying, isn´t there free service for community - I live in another country; so, I don´t know about services of colleges for community! -) or, maybe, voluntary service by Psychology senior students, supervised by the teachers? Check these possibilities.
Well, I tried to do my best. I read your post, all comments and respect all was said by everybody. Of course, I have my opinion but what is really important is your welfare. For me, your questions are difficult to answer, because there are many factors around them. So, what I can do is say that I think a professional help would be very interesting and/or necessary for you!
With all my respect!
To hell with your heart, follow your cock. Someday when you're an old man you'll have some great memories to look back on. Just play safe, kiddo, so you can be an *old* man some day.
You're insatiable and incorrigible. Also hornier than a teenager - i hope you enjoyed it (since this is a week later)
I hope we Houstonians treat you and Marcus better than those in Dallas.
My only coment is be careful and be safe. I just wish I could get three, four or five cocks around me at one time all waiting to fill my mouth and ass with cock. As for havinmg 2 cocks up my ass at once I love it. and while they're fucking me I love sucking off a third. Remember, "The Cock is a powerful thing and a stiff one has no conscience. Love Ya Mason
i think i said this in an earlier post, but the only prob i have is hearing you call yourself a 'slut'.
babe you're hot and can have your pick. play safe and go for it.
bro we're both 24. since my first time at 16, at least 100 cocks have safely known this butt, and this mouth as many more! and ya know what, i don't feel in the least like a slut. in fact, i'm kinda proud :)
i hope someday to find some guy to share my life with. but if i do, monogamy probably won't be in the cards for either of us.
hey mason i think i said this in a comment to an earlier piece, but the only problem i have is you calling yourself a 'slut'. you're a very good looking guy, have a strong sex drive, so i say just play safe and otherwise go for it!
we're the same age, and since i was 16 i've been with over 100 different guys, catching for most of them. i love group sex and love it when guys take turns fucking me. i've always played safe and i've always had fun. i don't feel in the least 'slutty'.
i hope to one day find a guy with whom i can have a committed relationship. however sex will not be part of that commitment for me nor should it be for him.
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