Monday, December 8, 2008

Michael Jackson is Not Alone

Meet Randy Constan, better known as Peter Pan. Like Michael Jackson, Peter does not want to grow up. But who says you have to?

Peter Pan is physically a 53 year old male but he strives to be a five year old androgynous child. Unlike his pop star counterpart, Peter doesn't have any desire for actual under aged boys even though his pictures seem to suggest otherwise. I could be wrong about that but lets hope I'm not. Peter explains that he created his website to share the magic and wonderment that fills his life with the world, to showcase his nifty costume making skills, and to ultimately find his "Tinkerbell" (fairies seem to be an integral part of his life).

And guess what folks, Peter Pan has proven that with "faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust", dreams really do come true. Yup, that's right, a woman found his childish charm irresistible and the two fell madly in love. Now the fairy has a fairy fiancé to fly away with into happily ever after. And they have matching outfits to boot.

Is it just me or is he totally showing her up in those outfits?

At first, I couldn't help but laugh at him, in that freaked out kind of way. This guy just screams mental but then again, there are people who think the same thing about me. In all honesty, I bet he's actually pretty fun to hang out with. At the very least I'm sure he could make you an awesome Halloween costume.

Would you grab a beer with him?


Zack In ATX said...

Maybe if I already had a few...

kelc1275 said...

I'd grab a beer with some of his friends, but I would have to think about whether I would have a drink with him..53 is a little too old for me.
How did you find him?

Matt said...

I'm sorry but he creeps me out...

Cedric Nu said...

He looks like a drag queen and he's really not my interest ^^"

chiguy said...

I think the guy is hilarious! But, going out for drinks is another thing!!

billy said...

Yeah, I'd hang with him. I don't discriminate just because someone is outside the social "norm".

l said...

mason theres a difference between sex crazed and just plain crazy, that being said, the crazy ones are usually much more fun, i'd probably hang with him, but something seems really off about him, i don't just mean the tinkerbell costume

sjchan said...

The only reason I'd have a beer with him is because there are quite a few hot guys him that I'd love to get with.

brian said...

he kinda creeps me out ... but gives me hope...if someone like him can find someone...then so can i!

dickophile said...

why couldnt we get naked photos of you instead?

Anonymous said...

I would have a beer with him. I think he's crazy and we need to be support the crazies or else they'll sprinkle fairy dust in our eyes and then slit our throats. Just a thought.

steve said...

There is a reason im going to say this.

First off I am the anti-fag fag.

So that being said. Fuck no I wouldnt.

Anonymous said...

I would. I spend a lot of time in airports traveling. You would be surprised by who falls in to the seat next too me and has a wants to chat. I don’t judge, I just have a conversation and hope to learn something new. Always fun

Spherical Time said...

Sure. At least he'd be an interesting person to have a beer with.

Actually, him and your question about the beer reminds me of this one time I had a beer with a drag queen old enough to be my father in a bar on Christopher St. here in NYC. It was hilarious and entertaining and I ended up enjoying myself.

John said...

He certainly does show his 'love' up in those outfits. Probably because his figure is much better than hers. The relationship looks like a fraud; she just doesn't look into him at all.

Mason, his site has had 10 million hits! How about getting dressed up in a Peter Pan outfit, but preferably crotch-less and butt-less?

Rav's_Desire said...

Isn't this what we need in this world? Difference? Uniqueness?
I might be missing the point, but in a way, I'm glad that he does what he does because it proves that mankind is not so novice-like anymore. The age gap could be a problem, but surely there are guys that are even older and you are friendly with them.
I think about it this way. He's like me; not socially "normal" (I hate that word because in my eyes, there is no such thing), very quirky and quite scary to start off with. I somehow have a connection with him. Of course, I can understand how people would be freaked out by this behaviour, but I think now is the time to grow up from social normality and to accept people for what they are, not what you want them to be.
Isn't that the basic rule of logic?
State your opinion to me, I'll be glad to answer any questions that you may have ^^
Take care

Anonymous said...

simply disturbing....

Anonymous said...

Tori Amos married Peter Pan?

...I was wondering what she's been up to lately.

Anonymous said...

I believe that saying "different strokes for different folks" BUT I really think that there's a time a place for everything and EVERYDAY life isn't the place for 53 year old man to pretend he's Peter Pan. No he's too off the mark (in more than on respect) for me to hang out with. I could just hear him now "don't lose your inner child, the world is a magical place, yadda - yadda - yadda.

Ray Avito said...

I'd absolutely hang with this guy. He might be a little wacked but I like them crazy folks. Birds of a feather and all...

Anonymous said...

If you ever go out to the gay bars in Tampa then you would see him out. He is a trip!!!!