Its time to clarify a few things. I am NOT the only writer on Wyler Nation. There are multiple authors in this great country of mine, four to be exact, and we're getting awfully pissy at the people who have failed to realize this. Marcus my boyfriend, Noah the law student, Captain the Faggot, and Me your porn slut, all contribute to the upkeep of Wyler Nation. Many of you have been leaving comments addressed to me, but in response to articles that I did not author. Little mistakes like that make me feel as though I have attracted a mentally disabled following, people who flunked elementary reading and nap time. All posts that I do not write have a "BY" line at the very top of the page, directly underneath the title, so as to let the readers know who exactly to give credit to. I may even start adding a "BY" line to my posts, just to help some of you out. I wouldn't want you to continue being confused. I know how tricky figuring out who the author of these blog posts can be.
I've also been receiving emails from people asking me how to leave a comment, asking me to where to find my porn videos for free, and asking me if I am gay or straight... I even get emails from AMERICANS in some language I can't understand, usually something like this: hEyYo MaSe WaT UP BRAH? I FeEl StUpid aSkIn U Dis BuT LOL MaN U GotZ bIg DIkS CaN yO FuKz me Or sHoW a BrUtha WeRe 2 FiNe Yo fREe PoRns?! SRRY, I aInt Gotz MonEy 4 DaT ShIt. HoLLA LMAO...
Are you one of these people?
Want to learn how to finger things out for yourself? Here I'll show you:

If you know how, then CLICK HERE to leave a comment
Want to learn how to finger things out for yourself? Here I'll show you:

If you know how, then CLICK HERE to leave a comment
Hey, this is comment on a post written by the man himself, Wyler.
Incidentally, could we get a sidebar link to posts done by each author, maybe via tags or something?
Anyway, keep up the good work, Wyler Nation writers. And if you're looking for company, I'm always available. ;)
you guys are all great writers, and I'm glad you're trying to get your audience to respond better ha-ha.
I cant tell you how many times, I've been chatting on an IM, and found myself wondering what the fuck someone is trying to say.
keep up the good work, and hope you all keep writing for this site, its got a lot of variety to it :)
Who pissed in your corn flakes?
Thanks for clarifying the issue of different authors. I knew you weren't Marcus or Noah, but I thought Captain Faggot was just one of your alter egos... and I love it when you get all pissy & angry... :P
calm the fuck down babe, knowing youre pantys are in a wad makes me sad.
dude! you need to give mason some dick...RIGHT NOW! also...i like your recent posts...good job!
wtf?! never seen a post of must write on things that dont interest me...maybe you should have a corresponding pic of mason visualizing what your asticle is about.
awsome name, decent posts.
Well Mason that was vary interesting and good hopefully everyone that reads it fingers it out
I know how you feel. I used to contribute on other blogs and the head blogger would often get pot-shots at him when it was indeed me posting. It was a political blog and I was a lot more vocal about things than he was. So, I feel your frustration. Keep it up though.
It seems like this is a problem...Why doesn't the website have a rule in Terms and Conditions, where it states that proper language must be used at all times, or else no one in a "higher" position will respond to the e-mails, posts or requests. Seems like a good short term solution for the problem. But we need to accept that everyone's writing style and language capabilities vary. In my opinion, the language that was displayed before was gangster/charva talk. I witness this obscenity everyday, so now I can detect it nearly all of the time, which is really annoying. It's good to see people finally take charge; very few people like pushovers.
Believe me, this issue will take some time to resolve...but hopefully it should go sooner arther than later.
Take care
My advice:
Become the devil and act like the demon; hopefully your wishes shall be granted.
Loved ur comment about ppl who use symbols instead of letters to post their already indecipherable words in even more obscurity. Don't know what that is about.
Also love ur pix - all of them. Cute ass - get that finger outta the way so I can get my tongue in there.
Love reading the blogs from all four of you. I always figured that there were other people involved in the site and the writing. Most of the popular and busy people I know don't have the time to maintain everything alone. . . I see your distress with the people that write in symbols. When I am not wearing my reading glasses, I have a hard enough time with real letters and would rather not spend a single moment translating "ghetto." I just ignore them.
Keep up the good work. - James
Guess you have to have a special idiot's version of your blog where you have "Hello, my name is ****" before each posting
yha people need to be more in tune with what they r doing
What climbed up your butt and died.
well to you and the others if i was included in the group of people who didnt know how to address this thing or was saying hay mason I AM SORRY FOR DOING IT MY BAD
.....Finger things out? Bahahahaha.
Love the blog!
Especially love the pic in this post, I got a thing for guys in jocks and long sox - post more them, they get me fucking horny!
Enquiring mind wants to know:
Mason, have you had sex with Noah and Captain Faggot?
Can you post pictures of Noah and Captain Faggot?
what happened to your post about wanting to join the Eastern Europeans in making Bareback movies? I think the better solution would be to make American Jock Bareback Movies. Americans are cuter than Europeans, in my opinion, and you are among the cutest, hottest, boys in porn.
This is actually my first post on here and it's really sad that people make something so easy and so difficult. Mason, I know you made no attachment to the type of people who were writing like idiots, but as black man, I really hope it's not other black folks writing like that. I know a lot of people do it... but I know when most people read this, the first thing that pops in their brain is... black guy. I just hate seeing stereo-types fed. such a great ass hole..put your fingers inside're really great guy.
I just can't figure out how to leave a comment. Maybe a detailed explanation would help others like me.
Did you know i found an entire article on how to detect sarcasm in writing? Absolutely fascinating.
i love to finger myself... nothing like it
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