This isn't working. I told myself I need to blog at least once a day but clearly that isn't happening. I've been sitting on my computer for three hours now, trying desperately to put a post together. I write about three sentences, I get stuck, and then I delete it all. I know that I have things to write about. My life actually has been a lot more active this winter, I have more friends now, I've been having more sex lately, I've been traveling quite frequently, but I just can't seem to organize my thoughts. I'm going to go masturbate and try this again in the morning.
I hear shooting a load clears the bloackage.
I know the feeling when it comes to writer's block.
Because of your prolonged absence, you may be trying to fit in too much information into one single post. Consider choosing one small thing to talk about, and forget about the rest.
Pics of you masturbating, please?
Take your time, Mason. Something will come to you eventually. :)
You've been missed Mason and your peeps are looking to hear from you. Give us anything you've got and we'll be happy.
is there a rush to post? I agree with max maybe you have too much to say or just not in the mood to sort out everything.
Sometimes you can't put words to your life.
Could it be one of those moments?
Must be a good hell hand job since he hasn't posted yet!! I think with just a pics of the cumshot we'll be happy and you won't need to write any word!!
well, i am glad my last post was finally put up. I was starting to feel like you would only put up positive posts and not negative, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Maybe you are trying to be TOO informational or trying to reveal too much. I would probably say most people just want to have any kind of update versus no update at all. even bits and pieces of your recent escapades would probably be entertaining.
You have a very peculiar way of writing your stories, ZTT has been my favority, I felt the story,take your time to share your experiences with your fans, remain handsome as usual!! Kind regards,doll!!
Masturbating is always a good way to spend time! I agree with the guy who wants to see pics. Hope your ideas start flowing.
Have you ever been to the Gay Mardis Gras in Sydney? Hop a plane, COME here & blog about it. The parades this COMING weekend. You won't be disappointed & the topic is a given.
More occasional asians, video games, and hot people is good. More you, too X)
Have you considered poetry? Sometimes that works for me. Not even joking, you could be the first porn star-poet. Sort of like a warrior-poet, but with more sex and orgasms.
Just a thought.
That's the Mason that we like to see, the honest, even if slightly ditzy. I think that adds to the charm really.
All I can suggest is to not force out the feelings. Like some people have said, just do one litle topic at a time, that way you won't feel overwhelmed.
Nice to see you back, hope you have had a nice deserving break ^^
hola, para el propietario de este blog quisiera mandarle un saludo, decirle que esta muy hermoso.
I am colombian
my name is hector
me gustaria que hablaramos por msn
el mio es chicosexy1703@hotmail.com un abrazo y un kiss
Dropping some jizz is a great start, but I like to cheat with "notes" I take while just going about my day. I started a blog on Jan. 1 this year as a way to avoid writer's block. There is always something to share ... you'd be surprised what your fans would like to know. Keep rockin' it!
Dropping a nice load of jizz is a start, but I like to "cheat" by looking at notes I take during the course of a normal day. I started a blog this year to actually avoid writer's block. Mason, I bet your everyday life holds tons of little things (not your dick, that's for sure) your fans would love to hear about. Keep rockin' it!!
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