Why do homos gossip so fucking much?
Because they have nothing better to do. Why do homos act like they are the center of the universe?
Because it helps hide the fact that nobody really loves them. Why are homos so over-dramatic?
Because it helps make their mostly boring life seem more exciting. Why do homos feel the need to stick their noses where they don't belong?
Because they think they know everything. Why do homos have to always ask their friends for relationship advice.
Because they are dumber than their friends. Why do homos feel the need to befriend other homos? Because it ups the chances of getting laid. Why do homos get on my nerves?
Because they never know when to shut the fuck up.
Don't take this post too seriously. I'm just annoyed and felt like venting.
Well sir... Maybe some homos just talk to talk. Maybe some homos are just answering questions when asked. Maybe some homos want to see people succeed and don't mean to start shit but always do. Maybe some homos are sorry. Maybe some homos love you and feel bad.
Interesting post. I can see where you are coming from. From personal experience: When I see the term "Gay" from someone, It means the same as "Straight" hell it don't matter what the fuck they are, as long as they have respect and a sense a humor. But a label is just that a label, would it be ANY different with straight guys?
Anyways, Always love reading your posts. Hope all gets better soon!
Why is the sky blue? That's the way it is. As we get older and we start to want more meaningful relationships and hope for genuine friendships, it is hard as hell to find people who are decent.
Wow. That's some extreme venting there, Mason.
You may have felt like venting....but unfortunately, it is very true!
And that is what I sometimes really don't like about being gay.s
Hah, replace "homos" with "people" and your statements are still surprisingly accurate.
Where is the pic from? it's cute
I understand that you say not to take this post too seriously, however I do have problems with some things you have said.
Most of what you said is generalised, and cannot be applied to every gay person in the world. Though it may be right, it still isn't right to judge everyone by the same remark. And anyway, that could be said for every human being on this planet; some people like stirring things up because it makes them feel important.
That's just an example, and hey I like venting too. It's good for the mind and the body.
I fully understand the need to vent, so I'm not having a go at you. All I'm saying is that you may need to be specific about exactly what you mean, and not allow anyone else to twist your words. OK? ^^
Hey! Im sorry about your bitchy day but im dying with curiosity to know what you studied or are studying in university? Anyways sorry about my english I have a tendancy to speak franglais, its a Canadian thing! Anyways hope your day goes well!
maybe you are venting more about who you are as a person b/c you see how shallow people are and you are afraid you are too.
It get's more and more weird the older you get, trust me. I'm a normal guy 50 years old, come over to Poland and for a few days and we can talk about it. Don't worry, seriously, just learn.
Hello Mason :D Good to see you're still around. Have you gotten my emails? :) Hear from you soon!
lol very funny and quite right... kisses Wyler
Hi Mason,
I'm glad to see that you're back in form and posting more often again. Your posts are always full of entertaining nonsense. Long live the Wyler Nation!
Can I go ahead and assume that I'm the only straight citizen in the Wyler Nation? What can I say, you intrigue me. I'm determined to get a personal response from you one of these days. If you feel you have no use for a straight, non-gamer friend, well you won't know for sure unless you give it a try, right? Plus, I admit, I would entertain the idea of having sex with you, if you beg, ha. So when your introverted gay life finally gets too boring and superficial, I'll be here.
- Anthony
This has nothing to do with the original post, but I didn't know where else to address this.
Hey Wyler,
I'd like to get you something as a token of my appreciation. I looked up your name (Mason Wyler) on amazon.com and found a wishlist under that name.
Now, it all looks just fine, but it occurred to me that someone might be trying to make a few easy gifts off your name and reputation.
Is that wishlist really yours?
Best part of this is definitely the picture :) But then again I'm a slut for yaoi d^_^b into the collection
Why do birds, suddenly appear... every time, you are near?
what nationality are you mason????
Apart from the friend advice part, I agree with you. Anyways, as someone said, you can replace 'homos' by 'people' in most of your statements.
i do understand where u are coming from.
i agree with you. I seem to be like that sometimes. But i sorta see myself in another person sometimes so it is correct. Im 13, and gay and i hate the fact that i cannot befriend any guys like me in my city because most have stuck up, bitchy personalities. I hate that they think they are above you. They use the word "immature" as a defense mechanism to try and trigger a win on a comeback fight. GOD FUCK IM SOO PISSED! READING THIS HAS MADE ME SO DAMN FUCKING PISSED AT THIS ONE GUY!
I'm in 100% agreement with this post.
To all those gossip mongering people out there [gay or str8] I say "Shut the Hell up and go get yourself a LIFE!"
Jay Mal could offer an anthropological explanation of social dynamics, but as long as Gay/Lesbian/Transgendered are politically fugitive populations, without rights to marry same sex, serve in the military openly, or in some countries even legally have the right to have same gender sexuality, the insulated counterculture will continue with its own cannibalistic heirarchy based on what a nation institutionalizes as proper gender behavioral roles. Recent science studies have also examined Gay/Bisexual men have cerebral characteristics similar to biological women, which would explain the accusations of petty backstabbing, character assassination gossip, and effeminate dramatics in life issues. One writer, committed political blasphemy in 2005 by publishing the book ANDROPHILIA by Gay Satanist and Neo Conservative, JACK MALEBRANCHE, which was a manual for Gay men hating the label Gay and Gay culture, with all the arguments of Mason Wyler's complaints of stereotypical Gay pop behavior. (J.M.)
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