Is that pompous of me to say? Yes but I'm saying it anyway. Look. People keep telling me I'm not the only positive model in the industry and I know I'm not. In fact, I've met(fucked) fellow positive models so I know I'm not alone in the Plus Boat. Some have even voluntarily released their status to those who'd care to know. The problem is, none of their news has captured the public's attention enough to take my red ribbon away. Depending on your
point of view, I'm still the cautionary tale, the walking PSA, the sympathy queen, and/or the HIV role model. I'm not sure if this is a good thing but I'll take it anyway! Until some other gay porn slut comes out as positive
AND has his big story displayed/discussed in all four corners of the HomoWorld, then I am the ONLY Poz in the Gay Porn Village.
Hey buddy! Just got off on you over at my sight and made a soundtrack of it and died laughin' cause I've never heard myself cumin' before. Just so you know, my article about you is the #1 hit out of all my articles, congrats! You can be whatever pinup gay porn star you want to be for me. I just love ya and everything about ya. Thanks for just being you, that's why I love ya I guess. Yer ole Tuesday's Cowboy amateur porn star, not ready for pinup time yet, lol.
Hello Mason. Hope everything is good with you. You are the courageous one and maybe a touch pompous to say what others might not or are fearful of saying. Until then you have the honour of saying so. You are an intelligent young man Mason. I was upset to hear you were POS and the trouble with your room mate who equated your kindness with weakness. So stay strong minded and body wise cause people are thinking of you. You are the blue eyed beauty.
Move on, Mason. Don't listen to those who talk without knowing you. You'll be between us for a very long time and that's what matters.
I don't think you're necessarily "THEE Face of HIV" - I think like you said - that you are the face of HIV in the gay porn business - which would put you in the group of "Faces of HIV." As there are many facets of the disease there are many faces if that makes sense?
Anyway, how do you feel about being "the face of HIV in the gay porn business?" Do you accept it? embrace it? wish it would go the fuck away? what?
Given how many ARE poz but choose to hide it and then promote themselves as safe sex only saviours, I'm glad you are out and being honest.
Good on you.
I still want to do that profile on you mate.
You have every right to be angry for being "outed" about your status. There are many out there who are bitchy, caddy, gossipy people . Just remember you are not alone. You are part of a proud poz brotherhood that is always there to support you!!
Actually you should be the FACE OF HIV POZ IN THE MAINSTREAM GAY PORN WORLD. We're not talking about Bareback studios where most are commercially open about their actors being serosorted and Poz only. YOU are different, because of your detailed blog about the porn industry and your personal life. MASON WYLER, in the 3rd Person Lordship, also has the media spotlight to TELL the viewers and under age 30 males, what life is like after the HIV Poz med news and how long until your T-Cells and Viral Load take to become risky by medical terms, or the discision whether to stall or take Anti-Retroviral meds (the biggies now are the corrosive Atripla and the new QUAD bomb pill). ME, Jay Mal, tested HIV Poz in Feb 2009 and am not on AntiRetrovirals, but have had some med symptoms. Various males and even those HIV Poz porn actors deal differently with how long to wait before taking the HIV meds. All HIV Positives have some chances of survival now, with HIV med research closer to an anti-viral pseudo cure. Many want to see Mason Wyler do more bareback and body fluid ingestion videos, if you do, your HIV spokesmedia image will be further attacked by Gay and Straight HIV activists. I'd LIKE TO SEE MASON TAKE ON THE HIV INDUSTRY FOR SCAMS AND INSURANCE ABUSES of Positives. HIV is in your blood and organs now, you'll understand what millions of people now face daily, good or bad. Your fans are still with you. Don't be a repeat of HIV porn tragedies Joey Stefano, Casey Donovan, John Holmes, etc, UNLESS YOU WANT TO GO OUT IN FLAMES.....just keep the cameras running.
Hey Mason. I still think you are one of the hottest guys I've seen. Your porno's always get me off. I'm currently closeted due to governmental issues but I still love watching your videos. I say the hell with all the critics. As long as you know your sexy and your fans like me think you are sexy well then keep being your sexy self.
Mason, you had the balls to come out and be honest about your status, and to take responsibility for all that happened. You didn't post a long post of crap about who may have infected you or any plans for revenge. You did as you always have for all of your fans and friends. You took responsibility for your actions, and made sure we know the truth. Your story may save more people from being infected, and hopefully get more involved in the drive for a cure. For that you have my thanks, love, and full support.
Ownership leads to control and growth. Your handling of your situation is indicitve of a mature and responible individual owning their actions and turning a negative into a positive. Not everybody has the instinct for this. Way to go.
You're still adorable and dreamy.
Hi there Mason,
I just want to say that you and your movies turn a lot of people on, and give us a lot of pleasure. As i am sure they do for you when you are taking part in them.
So take no notice of negative people.
Do what you want with your life, just like you are doing, after all it's your life.
Love and Regards
As an hiv+ person for the last 22 years, to see the way you dealt with your situation was amazing. To all the naysayers, bugger them is what I say. Carry on doing what you do, just take care of yourself.
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