Integration isn't everything it's cracked up to be. One of the most annoying things about being dragged out to the gay scene is walking in and seeing the amount of dick-hungry females taking up very limited gay space.

Numerous gay clubs have become infested with estrogen oozing bachelorette parties, "I'm so wasted" sorority girls, and fat chicks looking for a self-esteem booster. Gay acceptance has gone too far, it's about time we draw a line in the glitter and add some fine print: Adam 4 Adam only. You have a vagina? Great, nobody here wants it. Please go away and be a frothing whore elsewhere. Seriously, stop feeling up our go-go boys, stop clogging up our dance floors, and stop holding up our bartenders.

As a heterosexual female you have a plethora of STRAIGHT venues to drink, meet a man, and ultimately go home alone and unfilled just like you would if you went to a gay club. You can flagrantly flaunt your tetons at the next WWE Match or Exotic Car Expo. You can suck face with a man who might actually bone you at your local football game or monster truck rally. You can get wasted and be the slut you were born to be at a million and one straight bars, Frat parties, and any street corner in any neighborhood that does NOT start with Castro and end with Chelsea.

My. My. When did you turn into a little reactionary? LOL
hmm,,,wow,,,,I can see u have given this some thought. ya think there might be deeper issues here? :),,,,just sayin,,,,,
Bad form dude... Totally disagree.
Sometimes, I enjoy reading what you have to say. But posts like these make me shake my head in shame.
OMG, I think I know that big girl w/the two guys on either side of her.
so true! you hit it right on the nose and in a very entertaining way as well
As long as the fag hag is hot, I don't see a problem. Fat bitches like the one in the picture you posted should be BANNED. I just have a negative disposition towards fat and/or ugly people in general though, so I can kind of see where you're coming from, but I don't really think gays are in a position to segregate against other people if they're not segregating against us.
Interesting topic of conversation though.
I totally agree. I hate all the chicks everywhere. then they want to grind of me ans shit. GTFO please, I dont like your vag.
LOL at the Jonas Brothers pic.
Since you say you very rarely if ever go to a gay bar or club, why are you so worked up about this?
You know that there is a reason for why women sometimes go to gay bars? It's because of the feminine side of every gay person in there. Apply some Logic to it for a moment. Women can talk to gay men about lots of "more feminine" stuff than heterosexual men. However that would be stereotyping.
It's natural for you to say that they shouldn't be there, because they aren't gay, but there is two reasons for why it cannot be changed:
1. You cannot manipulate people's minds to change their decisions
2. Some gays actually like female company when going out.
So, I'm afraid you're inbetween a rock and a hard place.
And to Rabbit on the Moon, why does this post make you shake your head in shame? Isn't the point of this to state an opinion? Or am I completely missing the point?
Finally someone had the balls to say it.I'm so tired of seeing pussy in a cock bar.Kudos.
Sorry, but I'm gonna have to disagree with ya here.
A) Most women that go to gay bars are fully aware that they are in fact surrounded by homos.
B) Said women are usually invited my their gay friends and how dare you tell anyone who they can and cannot hang out with. My female friends are usually better able to hold their liquor and a lot less drama then the rest of the clientele.
C) Half of the "dick-hungry females" you are referring to are happily enjoying some great music with their female lovers. Brace yourself sweet pea cuz this is a doozy: WOMEN ARE GAY TOO! *gasp*
D) The other half are probably happy to go out and enjoy a drink with attractive male companions that are NOT trying to paw their panties off every five seconds and can actually hold intelligent conversation.
I'm sorry if you've had such bad experiences that you feel the need to be so hateful in your attitude and language. Here's to hoping you meet some nicer people.
'Member when I said you needed to be brought out to places where the nightlife is actually fun?
This is part of it too, I don't go to places where the hags run the show. There's no point, because once the straight chicks start coming in like they own the place, the straight men start coming. Then it's not a gay bar anymore and if I wanted to go to a straight club I would've, y'know, gone to a straight club.
Seriously though, I have no problem with gay men bringing their gals out with them. It's nice to do, even. Just make sure they're up to it -- fabulous, not horny, not in love with you, and not going to make out with you.
In a perfect world, everyone would be gay and there wouldn't even be women.....BUT it's not a perfect world. Isn't it about acceptance/tolerance? They're not gonna take the gay guys away from you. And they're not there to turn you straight. They're there for the same reason MOST people go to bars/clubs: to have fun.
I agree with you. I don't want to go to a club looking for a guy when all I find is some slut in a rut trying to be the center of attention
should we get rid of old people too? how bout anyone that isn't dressed right? or "HOT" enough?
this post is once again teetering on ignorance..a lot like your statements on black people..
dude..there are so many other things to get your jock in a bunch over..
Sorry handsome, but gotta disagree with ya on this one. I'd rather see "fag hags" in gay bars than lesbians. Sorry but atleast up here in Maine, lesbians are nothing but rude, get drunk way too easily, and love to display their man-side. Actually some of my straight male friends like going to the gay bars, cuz they find it easier to get attention from the straight girls that tag along with their gay friends.
Sorry, but I kinda have to agree with this. This has been a problem for me for quite some time. In Japan, I went to many gay clubs and bars that are Men Only and women aren't allowed in. I thought it was great to see hundreds of gay men in one place without me having to worry about sifting through the lesbians or straight girls who get in the way of talking to that guy. I live in Oklahoma and in our main gay club there are swarms of girls coming from their sorority houses, with their gay friends or even alone. When I wind up actually meeting these girls, they feel that they are so IN with the gay community, they can say, things like "Oh, your phone is blinged out, you're such a fag!"
Sorry, I just am frustrated when the hot guy that I want to talk to is being forced to dance with this beach ball chick in the middle of the dance floor who has about 3 other guys stuck in her orbit on the dance floor.
I have to partially agree. The Fag Hags that know they are there as just that are cool. Its the ones who think they are at some straight bar where if you have a vagina and show off the goods that you are entitled to get whatever you want. I have had too many toes stepped on by heels of girls trying to take over the dance floor or being pushed from behind because they want a drink first. The worst are the drunk girls being carried out because they can't stand up on their own. Now if a girl ever tries that with me I just bump them back out of the way. Don't know about everywhere else but West Hollywood they get pretty bad.
i love how people get mad when you say shit thats controversial. its entertaining to see. Esp since I know that's why you do it. Your over the top posts are what you're known for; the one about race, the bareback stuff, haha. i just love it. keep it coming. :)
Rav's_Desire, to answer your question, my problem with this post has to do with the fact that Mason just made himself look like a misogynist. Having an opinion on women sucking up the fun at gay bars is one thing. But to be downright rude and nasty and say things like "We don't want you here if you have a vagina" is something completely different. I sense a bit of discrimination in this post. And don't get me started on the "fat chicks" remark. If this was a straight person saying, "We don't want you at our club if you're gay", people would throw a bitch fit. And yet saying something like this perfectly okay? As gay men, we have all been name called and told we don't belong at some point in our lives. So we should know better than to inflict that same kind of behavior onto someone else. Anyone who is so bothered by women at a gay bar should get over it and get their rocks off some other way.
Well said, Mr. Rabbit You certainly made me think! And I'm kinda wasted right now..lol
I'm sure enough of my gayness that I don't need to discriminate women, I have nothing to fear from them! :D
Right. Why do we need a chick in a gay bar?
I personally have no problem with straight women in a gay bar with a mostly male patronage. I'm a predominately gay bisexual, so I welcome the presence of straight women more than most totally gay men do. But I am a firm believer in everyone knowing their place. So if a straight female does something to overstep her bounds, then I find her presence at such venues problematic, even more exact - fuckin' annoying.
The problem is that most of these straight women who go to gay bars and clubs seem to be extremely rude. They push pass you on the dancefloor and to get where they're going - no gentle tap or "excuse me", just astraight up shove. And if they're not shoving me in gay man's territory, they're shoving pass you to get to the go-go boys or bartender that they suspect is straight. So they can become what I called in a recent post, a "Proof-fuck".
I don't mind a women in the gay bar as long as they are looking for another woman. I am a trans-girl and it makes me EVIL when a real girl waltzes into the gay bar and picks up one of the confused or curious straight boys and takes them home to get the dick. If I went to a straight bar and picked up guys there, those cunts would be the first ones to run their mouths and tell the guys that we have the same equipment.
i see your point. i understand your anger. i agree that a straight girl should not be going to gay bars expecting to get laid. but hear me out. i am a bisexual girl who hangs out in gay bars and you could call me a "hag", but the goal isn't to try to get dick. i actually get turned on by seeing men kiss and rub against each other. i politely admire it from a distance, often while holding the hand of another female. i wouldn't be too quick to say there should be absolutely no females in the scene, because there are also bisexual men in gay bars. also, some of my best friends are gay guys. shouldn't i be able to hit their local bars with them and vice versa? i actually plan on transitioning f2m and being predominantly "gay" once i become a man. so for now, i'd say keep an open mind. fair enough?
Women don't go to gay clubs to get hit on , they go to them because they want to be able to dance around have a good time and NOT get hit on. When girls go to a reg club its hard to enjoy it sometimes because guys just bug you all night. There's no fear of having a conversation with a man at a gay club because you know they wont try to pick you up.
Funny post.
But there is a difference between a fruit fly who understands the attention she receives in a gay bar is VERY different from a straight bar, and the 'visitor to a strange land' who acts inappropriately and makes the gay men and women there uncomfortable with her sexual advances and expectations.
But I kinda know where you are coming from. Unless its a fruit fly or one of my lesbians (luv my girls who love girls), whenever I bring a woman to a predominantly male bar I always give her a four point orientation:
1. A compliment is a compliment. "You're beautiful" from a random gay man is a true compliment because he isn't saying it to get in your pants. Say thank you, and don't read too much into it.
2. Do not expect anyone to buy you drinks. Everyone is equal here. Pay your own way.
3. You are going home alone. Focus on your friends, the music and having a good time. If a straight guy hits on you, don't even think of leaving with him, there's something off about a man who needs to go to a gay bar to pick up women. If a lesbian hits on you say thank you but I'm with my friends for the whole evening, and if you're feeling adventurous you can go home with her just don't tell me about it in the morning.
4. Do not get sloppy drunk. A drunk girl at a gay bar simply means there will be a mess to clean up later. No one spent a whole hour getting ready to put up with that crap. Handle your liquor.
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