Before the GayVN Awards, I had spent seven days in Sonoma County for my monthly MasonWyler.com shoot. The shoot went swimmingly. I fell into a freezing cold pool due to my lack of balance as I tried sneaking a peak of a really hot scene that I was not involved in. I had my skin eaten alive by chiggers as I sucked dick on top of their home otherwise known as anything made out of wood. I came to San Francisco looking like an insect world war had been raging all over my backside.
I don't know if it was the fact that I couldn't stop scratching my ass or the fact that all the guys in town were a trillion times hotter than I was (I wasn't high on anyone's "To Fuck List" that weekend), but during the majority of my stay in SF, my clothes stayed on, my knees were left unscathed, and my hole was never intruded upon. The only thing that entered my mouth that weekend was tongue, food, and liquor.
Like I stated in Part One. I did get to fuck someone. A hot someone. I was totally clothed, I just whipped my dick out and went to town. I kind of felt like the fat kid at the community pool. It was kind of embarrassing that I had to keep my clothes on just to hide the horrors that laid beneath but as soon as I got my fat member into that watering hole, it felt really good.
How can anyone think your not hot. I'd love to fuck you and go down and straddle you as I ride your cock until you cum deep inside me and send me into orgasmic convulsions of pure pleasure.
Fat kid at swimming pool is the way you feel when you're bowling with a group of guys, 95% of which are hot as hell
Mason, in that first paragraph, my first impression was that you were rimmed by an invertebrate lol
Now I have the mental image....how...wonderful lol
In the second paragraph, I kept on getting an image of you looking like Henry VIII except you're not wearing the clothes that he wore (obviously) and you kept scratching your arse all the time ^^
Well, by the third, you seemed a lot happier, well mainly because you had a little bit of "Wyler Fun" (I apoligise for the bad quote again XD)
Oh well, seems like you are getting the fun for now...let's just see how long your luck lasts
dude we all have our off time lol but its ok only tem so keep that in mind
Mason, I simply love you. I like to watch you on pics and video. I would love it to make love to you. xxx from Holland
your blog continues to fascinate me. I can't think of anyone else in the industry who would publish as candidly about a weekend NOT getting fucked as you just did. the vast majority of pornstar blogs are all about self promotion and manufacturing a fantasy life of the hottest sex with the hottest guys all the time. and maybe there's nothing wrong with that, but you're proof that substance is way hotter than fluff. keep up the amazing work, mason. I would totally wear a t-shirt that says "Wyler Nation - No really, I read it for the articles" :-)
You don't seem very confident anymore... What happened? Be safe Mason!
Chigger bites SUCK!!! Where I grew up in the South every summer was a battle to keep them off of me. Your blog is a riot. So much more entertaining then some of the other porn tragedies that are out there on the web.
Awww, you look very cute in glasses! I bet that photo was taken just as you were getting ready to read "Sexing the Cherry".
you are hot in glasses!
I love this picture.
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