- I lost my job.
- I found a new job.
- I attended my first gay orgy and I didn't have fun.
- I attended my first gay pride and I had a blast.
- I let my body get out of shape.
- I got my body in-shape.
- I injured my back while trying to impress a hottie at my gym.
- I solicited a hot homosexual chiropractor to fix my back.
- I had a falling out with my housemate.
- I had a rekindling with the love of my life.
My monster-cocked boyfriend and I want to come to Texas and fuck you senseless. I'm hung too. You need to be our bitch for a few days.
I don't know why I am taking the time to comment, but I felt compelled after reading your blog in bed on my phone for the last hour and a half. I remember watching your videos when you used to be on Sean Cody and had always thought you were pretty impressive. I recall seeing you on CF and even took a peek at your site. Anyways, what I wanted to say is that I am even more impressed and more intrigued after reading your blog. I think what surprised me the most was the fact that you had so much more depth as a person than as the porn persona I thought you were. Reading your blog backwards from the most recent to the earlier posts was like watching life happen in reverse. Reading about the break up with Marcus had a whole different meaning after reading the posts before. I was more heartbroken for you two after going back several months in posts. Your brazen descriptions of sexual escapades and fantasies take on a different tone after reading you reaction to the "apology" debacle. For some reason, I never imagined you as a video game playing nerd, but it kind of makes sense.
Anyways, just wanted to say that I hope you are enjoying life and hope you are not stuck in Houston for the 4th of July. The weather is supposed to be crappy. Thanks for keeping me enetertained and sorry for this completely random post.
p.s. I think Chip wants to fuck you... just a hunch
Not too bad for three months. I have less news than you.
after all this time I'd expected something between "the human centipede" and the ass to ass scene at the end of "requiem for a dream" from you...instead we got a sex and the city 2 update...JK..I'm happy you are alive!
And you opened that door.
aawww, there you are! welcome back :)
Not sure your blog posting deserved Chip's or Aiden's responses. Perhaps they were tongue in cheek.
I am always a little surprised by what people feel they are able to say to Bloggers. Some correspondents seem to think they have rights!
It's your Blog. You should feel free to come and go as you please!
Sorry you've had a shitty three months. Hope the summer months are good to you!
Cheers, Polomint
Are you playing the new Fallout? Because, it's great. You should.
That is a full three months. I am glad you're doing well!
@Polomint:it's called sarcasm and my comment has been approved by the owner of this blog.I'm glad Mason understands this obscure concept while you stumble upon it completely oblivious...
Great to hear about your Pride experience! Did you do the festival beforehand or just the Parade? My friends and I were in the middle of the intersection right there at Montrose in front of the Smoothie King. It was cool seeing Mayor Parker and (here's hoping!) future Governor Bill White in the parade.
Sorry to hear about the loosing a job & loosing a body & loosing your back, but glad to hear about the new job, new body, & sexy chiropractor!
Wow. Pretty cool your life is so symmetrical. Makes for good writing.
Uhm. I'm kinda glad to hear that things are warming up again between you and your bethrottled. He was hot AND sweet, and seemed worth the effort. A good man is hard to find, and a hard man is good to find, so . . . good luck!
Glad to see you back. Missed reading your stuff.
I wanna hear about the love of your life. I think some of us fans just figure it's all sex and no romance. Sex is good ... WAY GOOD! And I've whacked it to many of your vids, and had a finger or two crammed up my ass as I watched you on one Web site or another. But dish on the love connection ... please!
I'm curious about points 1, 2 and 9. More details please! :P
And besides, it's impossible to get out of shape in 1 1/2 month with a body like yours, so regaining the shape mustn't have been such terrible feat ;))
"wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I"
"Sorrow, Pain and Resentment are natural qualities to be found in life. Therefore, work to cultivate an immovable spirit."
Glad to hear things are going well for you. Hope to see more good news from you and more of you.
My friends here in Austin had fun photos of you at Pride. You looked like you were having a good time =]
Hey Mason,
I am so happy you are back.
Reading your blog is one of the best things to do. You are fucking special.
Um abraço
Mason! You are alive again! Awesome! I love your blog - you are easily one of the most interesting porn personas - and you have been around a long time!
hi, wyler! how r u!!!! im 19 yo and im from central america, i think u are very cute
this blog used to be soo badass. now it sucks. and not in a good way. miss you mason!
I miss you.
P.S. I'm worried about you.
You have done quite a lot of thing in the past three months
hola! quizas no entiendas mucho de lo que te estoy escribiendo, o no se si leas este mensaje, pero quiero decirte que pienso que eres una buena persona :) y que eres mucho mas que un objeto sexual, porque en ti mas de lo que muchos pueden ver.
me agrada tu personalidad.
te envio un saludo desde Venezuela
cuidate mucho, portate bien
un abrazo :)
Sorry to hear about your health condition and others (about loosing a job, loosing ur body shape, but gladly to hear about your new job :)
keep ur life healthy with love of your life, support from indonesia :)
Good section of the porn buying Gay and Straight mainstream still think that sex actors are rolling in money and multicontract deals with royalties and other dividends. Your blog and for one so young, reveals a very sober reality abut sex studio work and the in between hired sessions. In this cosmetic first and age specific World, as superficial as it seems, you will still be considered employable. Any happiness that you give to a man or men, your fans find the news enjoyable, details or none.
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