I have something to say. I spent the last few months waiting for the right time to tell you but it turns out that there is no right time... I wish I could put this off for a little while longer but information like this
usually finds a way of coming out sooner than later. In fact, people have already begun to talk so I might as well just tell you now. I tested positive. I have only myself to blame. I have HIV and it kind of sucks.
Wow! I'm sorry buddy. Hope you're doing well.
Dear Mason, glad to hear from you at all. But what you are telling us makes me really sad. For years I´m admiring and loving you! Wish I could give you an intensive hug!! Wouldn´t it be good to stay with someone who takes time for you, listens or even remains silent? Mason, be sure about what I´m saying to you right now: I really want to invite you to visit me and to stay for a while - getting other perspectives and surroundings! Be free to answer me by e-mail: mail(at)lufti.net
With a deep kiss!
Love you,
No matter what you have done or not done Mason, you have my compassion.
Sorry to hear the news but I'm willing to bet you've got a lot of inner strength to push on. I'm sorry that you also had to endure irresponsible gossip & blogging
I'm in total shock & disbelief right now Mason... I know by me saying 'I'm sorry' it doesn't change it for you, but just know you are in my prayers & this doesn't change the fact, that ur still a great guy & and awesome human. Keep Shining!
So a lame porn gossip blog and your ex roommate revealed this personal info just like this?
Are u kidding me?Maybe it's not the right time to say this but I'd seriously consider suing the shit out of them....It's your life,your medical condition,it's your privacy and you had the right to decide when(or IF)it was best for you to go public..I'm sorry for you and also very angry.
Very sorry to hear this Mason. I hope you and your loved ones are well, or as well as you can be with news like this. Whatever happens now, I hope you keep blogging.
Hi Mason, Sorry to hear the news.
To me nothing about YOU has changed, I admire your wit and up front attitude on life just as much as your sex appeal!
I hope you will keep up with the blog too, as I hope you know all of us are thinking of you.
But remember you and your health come before anything else.
Take care bud
I'm sad to hear this... but I know from reading your blog that you're strong enough to get through this. Remember testing positive for HIV doesn't mean the end, you still have a lot of life to live and seeing how you managed to do what you did with your porn career I know there isn't much you can't do. Just know you have a ton of supporters out there... don't pay your haters any attention.
Good Luck with everything Mason
Be strong! You are loved by millions not just for sex but for your amazing energy! Please take care of yourself & PLEASE stay part of our family in this industry. jason@jasoncurious.com Xoxo L, J.
Mercifully, HIV is no longer the death sentence it initially was in the 80s.
Hopefully you will find the strength to keep fit and healthy.
You CAN do this!
My thoughts are with you,
I'm so sorry that a former 'friend' of yours and a gossip blog have decided to out this desperately sad news out to the world. I hope you are doing ok with your diagnosis and can ignore the rumour and shit that people who don't understand what you are dealing with, are going to throw around in the coming days. Just know that some of us do understand how difficult it is.
Indeed you are also very much loved for what kind of person you are, not just because you are hot.
I admire your boldness and your strength and the way you are a fighter.
I'm so sorry. Take care of yourself.
I'm sorry Mason. You can still live a long and good life. You can even keep your career if you go and work for Hot Desert Knights or someone.
I have lived with HIV for 23 years and I'm still healthy. You can do it too.
With the advances in medicine it is now possible for someone who recently test positive to live a normal life. Simple do what is needed and you will be fine.
You're young and healthy there is plenty to look forward to. Do not despair.
It's not a death sentence. It'll complicate your life a lot, like blowing your knee out in sports. But you will survive. You're not stupid, and you knew the risks you were taking. Frankly, I think people should treat you like the adult you are, and respect the decisions you made to bareback and do that kind of stuff. Reject anyone who says "This is the price you pay for your irresonsible behavior!" That's bullshit. If you walk down the stairs, take a tumble, and break your leg -- no one says that sort of crap.
It is not fun expending vast amounts of money on drugs for your disease, or worrying about giving the virus to someone else now. But you are an adult, knew the risks, and now ugh.
In the end, though, your health may be affected. But the "you" in You isn't. You're still the same smart, funny, even-tempered guy you have always been. Hold on to that. Nothing is changing that.
Hang in there handsome!
Dear Mason, I'm sorry to read this, I hope you are helding up and I wish you the best, send you big hugs and lots of love.
I know of some alternative medicines and treatments that have helped some HIV+ friends A LOT to the point of making them undetectable in just 1 year, I would love to share the information with you if you're interested.
My email is agnello.dei@gmail.com
You are loved, don't ever doubt it.
Mason... I'm sorry to hear you tested positive. Just remember, it's not a death sentence anymore. I know tons of men who have been positive for over 20 years who are still healthy and active.
It pisses me off that you were "outed". It's your decision when and how to tell people just as it was when you told people you were gay. Personally, I think people who do things like this should be kicked in the ass.
This certainly isn't going to change how I feel about you. I still think you are one of the hottest guys around and I hope to continue seeing you perform in the future. As another poster stated, there are lots of HIV+ performers still working.
Take care (and a big HUG).
I tested positive earlier this year in January. Life goes on and we cannot go back and change things. I'm 25 y/o and fighting the good fight. Keep your head up buddy!
sending you love!
While it's certainly not the news we wanted to hear, the Mason Wyler story is far from over. It is my hope that you use this as a catalyst for better things in your life. There is much love here for you.
i am also HIV+, i found out just over two years ago. it's a daily struggle, but in time it does get easier. i've always wanted to connect with you, and now having such a huge thing in common, i feel so much closer to you. if you ever want to talk to someone who's been through what you're going through, please feel free to get in touch. much love.
Hang in there. The science community is on the cusp of a true cure. Hold on to family and friends, they will get you past this hump. No one should be vilifying you, don’t take it and slam back. We’re all animals and without barebacking none of us would be alive. :D
All my love, Mason. PS: I’d still love to totally do you! Your just sooo cute! Hugs
There are some insensitive pricks out there that will play the blame game and point fingers, but the fact is; sex was never meant to be lethal.
Stay strong and live long.
Shitty news. Regardless, you still give me a boner and I wouldnt say no to a long night of screwing.
You know, you're still super hot. This isn't the end of your life, or even your sex life.
Im so sorry to hear about this, your by far my favorite porn star and I will always adore you no matter what! I'll keep you in my prayers.
~Secret Admirer
Hi, Mason - I know you don't know me at all, but I follow your blog whenever you post, and have commented once before. When I saw your news today, the first thing I thought was "wow, you're very brave to admit this in public", whatever the circumstances. But the second, and most important thing I have to say is: make sure you get yourself a fine specialist, have all your vitals tested regularly, and when the time comes eventually (the T-cells fall below a certain #) take the meds - so many people now live long and healthy lives with HIV. I wish you all the best for a long and happy life, from one human being to another. Keep supportive friends and family close. And think lovely thoughts! Thinking of you, your friend Jordan
Hang in there Mason. It may seem like the world is turning upside down right now but trust things will get better. From what I can tell from your blog you are a smart and strong person. And kinda sexy..(ok, maybe lots sexy)
chin up, young person
My thoughts are with you Mason. Hang in there! You will be ok. Hugs and kisses. This doesn't mean the end.
Just remember you still have plenty of life, love and happiness ahead of you no matter what!!
I am sincerely saddened to hear this news. Especially the manner which it was delivered and made public.
Should you be interested in pro bono representation against Mark Wilson, his company and affiliates please contact me directly at:
I'm ready and prepared to file immediately on your behalf.
I have compassion for you, but why did you not practice safe sex? This is life or death! yes, it is not the death sentence it once was but why destroy your gorgeous self with the meds etc?
Sorry to hear this news. I've always been a fan...and I wish you the best as you move forward to live life and deal with this condition.
I still love ya!.....
Mason, I wish you heath and happiness. Be strong and don't forget to enjoy life to the fullest.
My heart is with you. A big hug.
I know I'm not alone when I say if you need a someone to hold you and a shoulder to cry on, I'm here for you. Just know that being told devistating news like this doesn't mean you can't be happy.
Good luck, mate. Be yourself, and keep well. The opinions of others are just that - opinions, and not worth much.
my best wishes and love for you. Stay strong, sane, and centered. You will be fine.
being in the same boat, i will tell you that no matter what, you are still 100% deserving of love and affection.
you can still live a normal life, my uncle has lived with hiv for the last 10 years and he seems to be doing great. Don't let yourself fall.
In a way this reminds me of a Finnish girl, a mountain climber and adventurer who loved to push her limits and conquer more and more challenging and remote places. Then she was apparently caught in a storm or got lost and died at some almost unreachable mountains - at age 25. She did what she loved, boldly and fearlessly, took risks and paid the price. I don't remember seeing anyone vilifying her or gloating at her fate.
There is an important difference however: Mason is quite alive! Lot of love here for you hot stuff, even offers of help. I'm sure you will find a way to be Mason just the right way eventually.
Mason, as a young, college-aged guy still in the closet, you have brought me many hours of happiness, not just with your hot ass and beautiful face, but with your inspiration to me of what a confident, out, proud gay man can be like. I am studying to be a physician, and I hope to one day join the fight against this, and when that day comes, I know you'll be right there fighting alongside with me. Your friends and loved ones I'm sure can attest to what an amazing guy you are, so remember to let that and not your HIV define you. Love you, man, and God bless!
-Danny in FL, who'd still gladly spend a night of hot fucking with you
Mark Wilson is a disgusting man who has no authority to make judgments or reveal private info about anyone. I hope you take Brock's offer to represent you in filing a case for punitive and compensatory damages as well as a Federal case for violation of your HIPAA rights. Mason, you are a fine person who deserves our support and love, unconditionally.
Be strong and know that you are loved
I found a meaning of life:
to share a little comfort with our fellow human beings.
I don't know who you are, nor you me, but I wish you love, peace and success in meeting all of your challenges.
if you need anything, please let me know.
You had the courage to get tested and can now do something about it. I'm too scared to even take that step. Maybe now seeing all the support you have received, I can have the balls to get tested myself. Thank you!
Mason, I've always admired you, I've been positive for three years now and it's not the killer it used to be, you'll adjust, take care.
You need to show yourself some love and stop blaming yourself. Take care of yourself and know that you are worthy of love. You are a great guy and you'll get through this. We have brilliant scientific minds working towards a cure. Please look after your health so you can live a long, healthy life full of love.
You deserve it!
Big hugs for you,hope you're ok as much as possible.
Please don't blame yourself. Focus on healing yourself and being with the ones you love and surrounding yourself with good people.
Your true friends will be even better friends to you. The ones who turn away were never good friends. I wish I could be the better friend to you because I know I would if we were in each others lives. Even if I don't know you deeply, I can truly say that I care for you as much as I possibly can.
My heart feels for you in your hard times but you know you will fight this and win. You will always be a beautiful soul. I wish I could have someone like you in my life as a true friend... I love you! Be strong. frankefante@shaw.ca
We have never met but you have given me hours of pleasure. You continue to do so in your solo web shows. I will be there as long as you perform. What I have always liked the most about you is that smile that lights up your whole face. Please do not lose that.
I am really sorry for your status beautiful man!
BUT... Now there is a lot to do for you: work out with discipline ... eat well... dont miss the treatments and meds you need...
And especially: try to use your celebrity status to educate people about HIV ... it will give an extra sense of purpose to your life...
Remember : your life is not over yet ... and if you take good care of yourself you still have decades ahead of you!
Good luck with all that Mason...
I'm sorry to hear about this but i hope a valuable lesson can be learnt: you live by the sword, you die by the sword. perhaps you could become an advocate for safe sex.
Sorry to hear it, especially how you were forced to come out as positive - that shit's not on and I hope Wilson gets what's coming to him.
Anyway, hope you're doing okay.
I cant imagine what you must be feeling or going through at the moment, unfortunately I've had to deliver such news to many of my friends, I can only say that there is obviously much that we can do. If you need anything just holler, I think that y ou still have my contact info.
mark ( the doc in florida)
PLEASE! Let's stop assigning blame and start working for solutions. I have great respect for Mason coming out about his HIV status. I'm allergic to bareback porn because I know the potential.
Stay well, play safe and spread the word.
It is really sorry to hear such a news. I was very surprised todays morning. But it is happened. I see some this trend, I mean non-use the condoms by sexual intercourse , very often in my country. It is only about a trust to my partner. And I am speaking now also about all of us either heterosexual or LGBT community. I was longtime a big fun of BelamiOnline, because these boys were an are from my country or our neighbor today Slovakia, but they have moved to BB, for example. I dont know. It is really some disaster. Be OK.
I'm REALLY sorry to hear that, but people should think before they go bareback.
That's so sad!!
You'll be fine, don't worry, we still love you!!
Hey Mason! Your fans are still here for you! Take care of your health each and every day. I wish you the best man.
Get in touch if you need to talk.
just wanted to give you a hug and lots of love. I understand what you are going through. I found out I was poz in 1997 and I am still going strong. I know you have a lot going on and just wanted you to know that people do care. I have always thought you where a real person that is why I think you are so hot. I still think you are sexy and would be glad to talke or see you any day and would still love to see you having fun. If you need to talk to someone or just vent I can handle that. I have had a number of friends who where in the adult industry over the years and have always been there for them. I you want to talk just email me lvpupstud@yahoo.com
take care
Dear Mason:
I remember well the horror and sadness I felt when I tested positive in 1997. I was so ashamed of myself. With time, I realized that I am strong enough to beat it. I know you can do the same. Find an excellent doctor, take your meds, live healthily, and talk to people you love and trust.
Good luck and may the gods bless you.
Sorry to hear...but know ur life hasnt ended...it just means u have to be extremely safe and make ur partners aware of ur situation. Hope u are doing well, I want to send u a hug, and tell u, u r an awesome guy and I feel for u in this moment, and u will b in m prayers
Oh my God, I am so sorry to hear the news. You are a good person with a heart of gold. Nobody deserves this to happen to them. Hopefully with the latest advances they have made in HIV treatment, it won't be too long before the kick this disease in the ass. No matter what, your life is not over, and we all STILL want to hear from you.
Sorry to hear the news.
Follow you for some years already and just love your personae.
Keep the faith (no religion here) into the futur & you. And do take care of yourself and people that matters to you (your lover).
All the best.
I'm REALLY sorry to hear that, Hope you're doing well
I can't lie and say it doesn't suck. Believe me, I know. But it will be okay :)
just heard the news....
be strong, and stay positive ...
That really sucks. I can't imagine what you're going through, but I hope you have a strong support system to help you. At the very least there's a large community of sympathetic fans to lean on. For what it's worth, I wish you the best.
As someone who has observed you from a distance, but always with pleasure, I feel very sad about this news.
But we are 25 years into this journey now, and we know a lot more. With care and a positive attitude you can overcome this, and not allow it to dominate your life. I hope you have good people close to you who are strong enough to support you on the bad days, and compassionate enough to stay for the whole trip!
Thanks for coming out a second time. Your courage should help others. [:X]
Cheers, Polomint
I read this at my desk at work, and I literally started tearing up....Mason I've been a fan of yours for years and I hope you're holding up ok.
First, I really like the fact that you're being so honest. I'm really curious as to how HIV changes your life. So for example, how has your life changed since you became positive? There seems to be a very casual attitude toward HIV (especially among younger gay guys) and I think you'd do the gay community an enormous service to accurately portray what it means to manage HIV.
Best wishes Mason
You are brave for coming out and stating your status. It's not the end of the word for you. You are going to have many, many years ahead. People have lived in excess of 20 years. You're going to be around a long time. Get out there and live your life. Stay as safe as you can, and always be honest. Give the other person the choice. xoxo
I'd welcome knowing you and if we ever hit it off, I'd treat you like a prince.
You have my support at this difficult time. I have loved your work over the years and taken much inspiration being a bottom myself. This is a side step for you. The good news is that there so are many people in the same boat and loads of people who support you in the industry as this difficult time.
Dont let this condition set you back.
KInd Best Wishes
Jasper Emerald
Wyler, hang in there girl. Love ya.
Mason, I'm really sorry. I hope that you have a lot of strength. You are an amazing person and I love you.
Don't sweat it. I tested positive in 1994 and did not have to start anti virals until 2009. I have been incredibly lucky and i'm healthy and happy. With luck you will be as successful in living with it as I have. If you need amyone to talk to you can always get a hold of me at my email address and we can go from there. It is not a death sentance it just requires a adjustment in living.
Your an intelligent talented guy life goes on.
Dear Mason:
This is very upsetting to hear because in my honest opinion this disgusting disease shouldn't be around any longer! However, it is not 25 to 30 years when you wouldn't even know you had this disease until it was basically almost too late! A lot of people did not know about this disease so the lack of education was not around. I really believe that you are young and strong enough to have many decades of life and won't be affected by this disease for a long time...if the stages ever progress! Maybe the all the research for this disease will make it that you never experience any of the symptons and maybe a cure will be found! I really wish this for you, Mason! Even though this disease has been around for almost as long as I have been alive and so much is known about no one has the right to judge you and your actions on how you became infected! I hope that this does inspire you to get up and be heard and to advocate for HIV/AIDS and that will also lead to your healing! Mason, you're a beautiful boy and I hope you stay that way always! (-= Hang in there!
Lady_Rob_Rob <3
love and best wishes from everyone at woohim and cockthevote!
Im so so so so sorry mason. you are a beautiful person. i wish you all the health in the world.
Sorry when hearing that, but you are very nice baby, Just trust and hope , we are living and enjoing, I read this news and very sad but happy and belive. We love you baby.
Hey bud...HIV poz here also...and lets just say its very manageable...do what your doc says, be smart and keep your chin up...no reason to stop doing anything you enjoy doing or feeling like you are living your last day...IT'S ALL GOOD!
I am absolutely horrified that someone thought it was reasonable to gossip about your HIV status. I hope that you do not let their ignorance or judgmental nature influence you. You are not being punished for something you did or did not do. For someone to imply that you are is an unfortunate indication that we have not done enough work in HIV to get the message out that HIV is not a punishment. I hope you remember that being HIV positive means that you have a manageable illness. Also, what do you from here does not have to be a public issue even though some people may try to make it public. I wish you the best.
Hi Mason, just wanted to say that I love you and will pray for you, I think you are an amazing guy I wish we were close friend, you do what you do best you make alot of people a little bit happer,,big hug, I love you man.
I've gotta tell ya, yeah it sucks but your life isn't over, unless you deem it over.
Maybe you have seen being poz in a negative way?
I mean yeah it provides road blocks
for your future but as far as your health and mental state you are still in control of that.
With medication, exercise, eating correctly and just making good decisions you can live a very long and healthy life, (most likely out live the ones who outed you)and as far as your mental state seek therapy,and I mean that in a positive way.
The key is there you just have to use it correctly.
Good luck to you.
With HIV or without it, for me you still the same hot guy.
But I have one question:
Dou you continue making bareback sex as no tomorrow?
Bareback sex is HOT, risky but HOT, you knew you were doing and if worth it, it's up to you to say.
Hey, I don't know you and I have only seen you on the web, but I wish you the best of health and happiness always. Take care of yourself and think of this an opportunity to grow and help others.
Hey Mason...
It's always sad when you hear someone is poz, even when you are taking known risks it's still a shock because we always think...well maybe it won't happen to me. But regardless, you admitted your bareback addiction/turn-on a while ago on your blog but you we're scared to put your feet where your mouth was. Well now that you are poz I think I speak for everyone when I say I HOPE TO SEE YOU SIGNING UP WITH A BAREBACK STUDIO IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE! Hopefully it will be an international studio at that...that is where you belong...with all those hot fucking Czech boys over in Europe! You would seriously give any other bareback porn star a run for their money...that's for sure!
Why stop now? It's time to go all the way bro...you're fans are waiting!
Cheer up...you'll be fine!
P.S. Who cares what negative people say about you becoming poz...they will be the first ones watching your first bareback flick! Can't wait...:)
Hey Mason...you'll pull through buddy. At the moment what can seem overwhelming will eventually pass, just stay focused on your health and taking care of yourself...body and mind. Your house in VT will help as well. :) As someone from Maine, who enjoys the woods and good living...you WILL find some peace and quiet to just relax.
Honest people don't judge....
you don't need to blame a person.
you had corage to trust in somebody, and it's really lovely.
if you need to talk with somebody just add me tiago91alves@hotmail.com
Ur by far my fav pornstar and I would be sad if u...
so b good 2 urself and I hope u get better really soon.
*Hugs* I just started reading- Count me among the numbers that have your back. A friend told me he was HIV+ a year ago and he reminded me he needed support, not pity! Changes will be made, but if we don't constantly change anyway, life gets stale. I can't imagine what's going through your mind, but don't get lost in it-speak/vent/exercise/therapy...find safe outlets that help you. Until then, I look forward to your next post! -Tony
head over to TIM! you will break all sorts of records in dvd sales!!!!!
60% of the above comments are compassion whores who want to comfort you in hopes of having sex with you.
You're fine, you'll be fine (and I suspect you know that).
Press on. Do what your doctor tells you to do. Live your life the same way you would have before you got "the news". You'll be great.
Hey buddy, thanks for your courage, it is really inspiring for an hiv activist like me.
At some point, I hope you will continue doing porn to prove the world HIV isnt the end of the world (while still being serious) as people with HIV still have a (active and fullfilling) sexual life, with or without condoms - depending with whom they are fucking.
Hey Mason,
I'm really sorry for your bad news, have never written a porn celebrity before, but I wanted to let you know I'm wishing you the best, and I admire your courage for publicly acknowledging your status, even knowing, as you had to know, the shitstorm of negativity that would come at you from all sides.
I hope you will find a way to deal with everything that you must be going through right now. It may not seem like much, but you have my compassion for your situation and my respect for your honesty. I don't know much about you, but you have displayed more personal integrity than many out there who are only too happy to judge and condemn you.
Take care of yourself, now more than ever.
First of all, you will be fine as I'm sure your doc may have already told you. Just take your meds with a religeous consistancy. Second, yes it sucks....but you can't change things so try and just move past it and keep living. You are still young, you are still very handsome, and you still can have a very fun and fulfilling life. Yea people may be talking shit right now.....but it will pass till they find the next thing to run their hateful mouths about. Good luck Mason.
This may seem like an inappropriate time to ask this question, but hey here it goes: Mason, you are my fave porn star and a self proclaimed "cum guzzler" in which DVDs do you do your best cum guzzling? Not the ones on your site but "Next Door" or "Falcon" or "Buckshot" or one of the studio films. Thanks.
can u elaborate for us?
You have support. It is obvious here. Keep strong.
Ignore the haters Mason they do not understand nor seem to have the ability to even show compassion or understanding.We all make mistakes in this world it is what makes us all human beings.My heart goes out to you and sending you as much positive energy as I possibly can.Ive loved your work and youve always seemed like a humble young man.Wishing you peace strength and love take care and stay positive mentally and emotionally I mean. :)
who cares if you have HIV or not... I've been with my partner for over two years and he has HIV and i don't that doesn't mean i don't love him or think anything less of him. He reminds me of it almost every day but i don't care bout that i care bout him. Any one who tells you sorry should feel ashamed, they aren't telling or showing you that they care bout you if that is what they say. If they just tell you " so what..." and then move on to something else then that is a true friend that cares about you cuz they aren't going to let anything get to them. they are there for you, nothing more. Hit me up and we could talk..... you into football?
I am a great fan and will always be a great fan of you :)
It's not a death sentence. Go enjoy life - you found out early and are obviously good and responsible person. Good
Sorry to hear that Mason. I just found out today through the article on the Advocate. I've been following you for a few years and only hope to here and see good things for you in the future.
Hi Mason
I don't know what to say, other than how much I have enjoyed reading your blogs. I was in shock when I read the part about you being HIV positive. I am only 20 and my ex boy friend is 27- Also, HIV positive. You will find someone who loves you for you - maybe even already have. What I'm trying to get at is, don't lose hope and keep your head up. Stay strong, and know that love has no boundaries.
I am HIV negative and tend to stay that way. I loved my bf (HIV positive) but the love I wanted from him- he had for someone else. Now I support those who have it. Because if my ex boyfriend had never of told me that he was HIV positve- I would of been lost at the the early age of 18.
Stay strong and be true to yourself and those around you.
take care.
Sorry to hear about it man. We are thinking about you here in Alaska. -Sean, 23, Fairbanks
I have been positive for years. It is something hard to deal with but it also is something to take pride in and build strength from. Thank you for coming out. I am sorry you are getting a lot of shit for it. YOu are being honest and crucified for that honesty. I have had the same shit everyday. Be open, be strong, and be proud. We need more people to be open about their status so their will be less stigma about it. Thank you.
Mason--I am so sorry to hear this news. Please stay strong and seek appropriate medical care. You are very brave to confront this in the right way.
You are a beautiful soul, blessed to walk this planet. I have enjoyed all of your work and efforts. You are brave, brilliant and provide much fun for so many. Faithful fan - Hugs
Very sorry to hear this Mason.
Love your work and your art!
Life goes on. Your real friends and family will love and support you. My uncle has been pos since 1989 has he has never been sick a day since then. My ex, and dear friend is pos and we had a loving mixed-status relationship. Life goes on and you'll make it through.
You will be fine with it, its not a death sentence anymore. At least you know thousands of our friends do not know what is best.
Cheers mate.
Mason!!! from Russia with love!!! i'm really sorry but you strong i know!!!
It sucks, true, but knowing you come to the terms and being yourself, life is going to be alot easier, trust me.
hugs from Bali,
hi Mason
I'm celebrating by silver jubilee
25 years being positive, met some incredible guys over the years being positive lost a few in the early years.but I have six rules to surviving HIV
1. Get yourself a good HIV doc
2. Attend your doc's appointment
3. When the time is right start meds and take them correctly
4. Avoid other infection like food poisoning, measles chicken pox etc
5. lifestyle changes ie smoking alcohol, recreational drugs, everything in moderation
6. Avoid getting reinfected with another strain of HIV.
I believe in about ten years time we will have a cure.
you take care
Ed McC from the UK
Testing positive is really rough news. Please take good care of yourself, for you and for all of us who care about you.
Take care of you.
Dear Mason,
Shitty news indeed, but as far as i'm concerned you're the hottest piece of ass and i'd marry you anyday! I also don't see what the problem would be to keep making porn (with meds, checks and condoms there are absolutely no risks involved), but i imagine the industry is still in the closet and is afraid of losing money. Anyway, maybe this is a chance to make some changes for a more fulfilling life for yourself. Take some time off and ignore the gossip, take care of your health (good eating and sleeping)and then go right ahead!
Keep it up babe ;-)
Love, T.
Dear Mason,
I am a big french fan.
In all the world I'm sure people love you for the pleasure that you offered to us.
If you can, Please don't stop porno industries because today we need POZ actors continue to prouve life is same.
I tested positive since 4 years now in same time with my boyfriend. We have good healh. We visit Doc at Paris Hospital every 3 months and take medecine every day, since 3 years we are undectable (inf at 20 copy)
Life goes on and we cannot go back and change things.
Take care of you and fuck off to serophobia.
Message from French Fan from Paris (sorry for my english)
I love you Mason!
For years I've been admiring and loving both you and your great work. It's people like you who make me glad to be alive.
Hi Mason. I'm 28yo and have been living with HIV for the last 6 years now ... um ... That being said, I'd love to stroke/suck/bang/fuck you. If ever in San Francisco, let's do it. Can we swap email addys/spit? Can we Facebook each other/facef*ck each other? ;-) (Sorry ... horny).
Seriously, being poz is no different with having diabetes these days...it's not a death sentence, it's not the end of the world...you are loved by people and nothing will change that. Lots of love and stay strong! :)
Mason, you are an awesome and beautiful guy with a lot of energy. Nothing, not even this, will change that. You might feel down right now, but I have faith in you, and I know you'll never give up. I support you and I send you a huge hug. I admire you as a man as well as an star. This is not the end of the way, Mr. This is just a small stone on the road, and I know that a rock can't stop you. You have us your fans who will never let you down. Hugs and kisses, Carlos.
I think it is sad that you were forced to reveal this information when you were not ready to but I commend you on being able to admit this. It is helpful for all of those that are living with the virus and disease to know that someone has handsome as you is around and enjoying life. Keep up the good work and hold your head up high. :)
We still love you Mason! You're still my #1- I love all of your work! I hate how you've been forced to share this private information, but hopefully you've been reminded just how much people care about you. You are (constantly) in my thoughts! <3
Hi. From now I'm going to be your fan. Keep healthy.
Modern medicine keeps a youthful mistake from destroying a life. Be careful. Be strong. If you are "retiring" you picked a great place. I live in VT and it's beautiful, open, and accepting. Good luck.
You will always have my respect and admiration. Your HIV status is of little consequence to me. This gross invasion of your privacy is unacceptable. You seem to me, to be an amazing person. Please do not let the actions of other people bring you down.
Greetings from Barcelona, Spain.
I read your story on the Gay French Tetu magazine online and was shocked by the bastards that broke the news for you.
My best friend is positive too and what counts is friends around. You'll be good.
Huge hugs
Hugs and Kisses...you are the best.
Such a terrible thing to happen to such a nice guy!
I think you are very brave to admit this to the world....you had every right to keep this private, but someone thought otherwise, unfortunately, but you are handling this with grace and maturity. You are a remarkable person....and even though you are HIV-positive, you're still very hot, nothing has changed that....and luckily, this isn't 1985. There are drugs that can help you live a normal life. You have my support in this, Mason. Keep your head held high. You'll get through this. You're a strong person.
I still love you. I'm sorry to hear this. This makes me sad..... I love you.
E. H.
Greetings from Barcelona, Spain.
Mason, you are one of my favourite porn actors and i like the way you are.
Doesn't matter what they say, doesn't matter what they do, you are "our Mason", and we are with you, in the good, in the bad, in all the times.
BIG (((((HUGS)))) & Lots Of Love My Friend.
Mason, I'm sorry to hear. I wish you well and you seem like a strong person and I'm sure you will have people who will will you.
I'm a Johnny Come Lately to this news, but porn lovers eventually found out your HIV Poz conversion status, and as many thousands of fans to the simulated pleasure you give us in adult video scenes, your fans are still siding along along with you. Your blog shares what you account about life beyond the porn studio sessions, and sex, Gay male anal sex in all honesty means something to thousands, for its own sake. HIV medications are far more advanced than when I was your age 26 in the 1980s. Keep the cameras and blogs rolling, Mason. Let us see and read what you are living because we are all living semblences of the same consciousness with sexual experience that makes life bearable.
Don't be sorry, Mason: u have no reason to. Keep up your head. There are causes and there are effects - period: no room for faults, no one to blame. POZitive hugs.
Hey dude, it may not seem like it now, but it'll get better. It'll be a bit rough, but if my scrawny 22-year-old-self can handle it, a big strong guy like you can handle it too. keep ya head up and I know it sounds cliche' but keep your thoughts positive (no pun intended), it really does help. keep shining-
I am terribly sorry to hear the news. Please know you have all my thoughts and compassion. Most of all, thanks for sharing your story, it will with no doubt empower many people.
Please know that, if you want to take this experience to do some prevention, amazing videos are out there to help, such as this one that I saw yesterday : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeLlHDat0zU
I stongly admire who you are.
love you no matter what...
I think it takes alot of currage to publicly speak about your status. I am sad that you were not afforded the option of privacy in revealing your status.
I hope that others will also only bareback with hiv poz people and not spread the disease any further to our young and upcoming family.
I hope to meet you some day.
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