When I decided to move out in the middle of June, I had already paid ALL of the bills for the month and my portion of the rent, I also paid the rent for the month of July, and I left all of my furniture and appliances there for him to use. I gave him a full seven weeks to find two new roommates to pick up my part of the rent. He found two new roommates within two weeks. They lived there rent free for the entire month of July. And when it came time for me to take back my furniture, I chose to give him my refrigerator and a queen-size mattress so that he wasn't left entirely empty handed. I actually felt bad for him. Though things didn't work out between us I never had any negative feelings towards him and I only wished him the best... That's not the case anymore...
Last week, my former roommate decided to post a ridiculous, overly-dramatic story on his blog about his experience living with Marcus and me. In it he accused us of many things, from skipping out on the rent to breaking and entering. None of it was true. This was followed by him publicly disclosing my current health status, without my consent, via his twitter account and then proceeding to defame me by claiming that I was spreading STDs. A flat out unsubstantiated lie. Words can not describe how disgusted I am with him and his actions.
I did a lot for him and to have him say all the things he said really baffles me. I know what his goal was. He wanted to garner your attention, your sympathy, and your adoration. He thought by smearing my name he would somehow get your attention. He believed it would drive traffic to his blog and gain him thousands of new fans. He had faith that his words, his lies, and his shameless tactics would push me out of the porn world and make room for him. Well he was wrong and he failed miserably. I got to give him credit for trying though but now it's my turn.
To all of my supporters: I have one favor to ask of you. Help me make my former roommates porn career a short one. Don't write about him online. Don't watch his porn. Don't promote any videos that he is featured in. Don't read his blog. Don't follow him on twitter. Don't friend him on facebook. Don't even mention his name... Simply ignore him. Just forget him.
I feel sorry for what has happened to you, but be certain there is a justice and everything will be punished..God and teh Angels will give you strenght and wisdom and you will grow wiser and cuter out of this. a big and tender hug!!
Bravo Mason, simply bravo. I wish nothing but the most absolute best in life and your career. Its not the end, but just the beginning now. Keep taking the high road man. Dont let all those idiot naysayers, who dont have a damn clue, get you down. Ive loved your work ever since I saw you on Sean Cody, and have watched you since. Good luck man.
Mason, I have been following this story for a bit and wanted to say something to you after you had a chance to say your p.o.v...After this post, my love of who you are has increased ten fold. You are a beautiful, sweet, and gracious person. XOXOXO
aye aye captain!!! I'm terribly sorry your roommate was such a bitch. After all you did for him, he let rage get the best of him...tsk tsk. Anywho, wishing you all the best man! :D If you need anything else, write it down and share it. :D I'm willing to do almost anything to help ya :D
But... Who is he?
I used to LOVE that movie! I dont think I've been stalkerish enough as I have no idea who this boy is that causing all this drama. I won't have time to watch his porn anyways as DC Universe Online, Cataclysm, and Final Fantasy XIV are all coming out soon.
I have just learned of the news, and I just want to say how sorry I am. This time last year I was in severe denial about my sexuality.. but finding your blog honeslty helped me through it (as corny as that sounds).. you gave me a nice, confident, good looking, witty, charming gay guy to look up to. you have no idea how much this helped me. this is why i am so personally saddened..
but chin up, heaps of people live long healthy lives with HIV. in fact some even have kids.
As for that person, any one that would take advantage of a situation like this is obviously a sicko and i wouldnt want anything to do with them anyway..
Personally I would help you but I understand that you dont want to go to his level but you need to help us "clueless" folks out here and tell us who this person is?
My bestfriend has been HIV+ for 5yrs now and is doing great. Whatever the situation was it doesn't make you an less of a person. I will always think of you as a wonderful person. Stay strong....
You could to go to a lawyer and sue this guy for defamation for disclosing your HIV status and writing lies, which have incited hate to you. It's tryable in court this sort of stuff. PRINT OUT EVERYTHING he's written before he removes it to use as evidence. This was a very rotten, low-life thing to do to someone, disclosing personal information in public (Twitter). You could teach that queen a lesson for bad, deceitful behavior. Really feel bad for you. You just can't trust anyone any more. You have to be very careful who you friend. And all the kind things you did for him. It's just a loathsome, scummy thing he did to you. Sue that little bastard!
The person you mention in question has been setting off such a shit storm about you that my STRAIGHT friends that I'm in a blog collective with were talking about how they've never seen such an ugly display of nasty behavior concerning the disclosure of someone's HIV status without their consent. I truly feel horrible for you.
Someone said it in a previous comment, you're still Mason Wyler. You're still smart, witty, handsome and have a lot to offer folks in or out of porn.
I know things look horrible now but this too shall pass.
I've never said this to a stranger in a blog comment or to someone I didn't know but I just wish I could give ya a hug.
Try not to get too wrapped up in the drama. My grandmother would always say to me when bullies bothered me in school, "Don't react. It's what they want."
Sending good thoughts your way in abundance,
GM in Tennessee :)
Hey, Mason. I am HIV+ and I've always been a fan of yours. I wanted to say I'm sorry that you have to deal with this disease and the stigma of it, but I also wanted to say thank you for coming out. I'm going to buy your movies a.s.a.p. - I haven't before mostly because I'm fairly poor, but things are looking up for me.
I've been HIV+ for about 5 years now, and just recently started meds. My viral load is non-detectable and I hope to soon meet a nice HIV+ guy who is also non-detectable so we can have sex without condoms.
As for you, whatever path you choose, whether it is to stay in porn or to try and be a professor like you said in your Advocate interview, I wish you the best of luck and I thank you for all the physical pleasure that you've given me.
Love always,
I think you are more of a stand up guy then you will ever know. Don't let anyone tell you different. Leave all the bad in the passed and keep moving forward that will be the best thing for you. There is a lot out there for you , you have ALL my support. As for your ex-roommate what is doing just show how much of a ass he is you don't need people like that in your life. You should take him to court and take everything he has. Gook luck.
Hi Mason. My partner has been HIV+ since the early 90's. (We are both 42). He is in excellent health. Being HIV+ is not the death sentence it once was. Also, I am HIV- and we have been together for 8 years. Keep your head up. You will be fine.
Not a problem at all. We all know the kind of person you are and know what an ass he is.
I have no idea who it is I'm supposed to ignore. I don't know who your roommate was.
Mason, can you tell us who this person is? I want to be sure I don't ever buy anything about them again. It is not right for him to do what he did. No right at all. Some people just get too jelous and want to ruin someones reputation. You are a great guy and hold your head up. You will continue to do great things. I know you will!
Love ya,
Fuck him up his asshole.
Mason, I wish you well.Although, I have never seen any of your films, I have been a fan of your blog. You are in my thoughts. I think you are beautiful person. You have been are a true asset to the community, because you have been honest about your life, where as many of us lie.
Take care of yourself. I wish I knew you, because you need some real friends.
Brian ....
Stay strong, Mason. We love you. Hugs.
Wescott is a rube. One I've never even heard of before last week, and I have a pretty wide scope of favored porn actors.
you are the best! im your fun. go on!
Fuck him, Fuck him right in his ear! You've my unwavering support Mason, take care of yourself!
Think possitive and be possitive :)
doing something great after your new turn
Hope I don't get in trouble for posting this but his name is Porter Wescott. You can google him for more information. Seems like a loser.
Mason - I was really in shock when I heard the news. You are a hot guy and have gotten me off plenty of times. I can't say that I was surprised with some of the things you have done on camera. While these actions were hot and turned me on, honestly 5 minutes of pleasure isn't worth getting a disease no matter how hot it was.
I said that to say that I am a huge fan and think the way this whole thing went down was totally 100% wrong.
I'm not sure if there is legal action here but you might consult with an attorney. What was disclosed about you is called PHI (Protected Health Information). It is against the law for anyone (doctor, hosptial, etc.) that comes in contact with PHI to disclose it w/o your express written concent. Again, I'm not sure if the same thing applies to an individual outside of a medical setting.
From what I read on line it sounds like you have at least one job offer to make another film. I hope that this doesn't end your carrer in porn and that your still able to make the same hot movies, but taking every precaution not to pass on what you have.
I remember when I was tested for the first time and had to wait for 7 days before the results came back. Those were the most exhausting 7 days of my life. You do soul searching and think what if. I am thankful that I was negative. I really wish more than anything I could give you a hug.
It's all going to be okay. Everything happens for a reason. I'm not exactly clear why this happened but perhaps time will tell.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Godspeed Mason!
Mason, unfortunately you have been another prime living example of "No good deed goes un-punished." Hang in there and don't let this whole situation make you change who you are.
Honey,what goes around comes around.He won't reap any good harvest from doing evil.Don't beat yourself up for having trusted him,we've all been burnt by users now and again,just chalk it up to a learning experience.Hugs,Nick.
School of Hard Emotional Knocks. You shared you were a "HELPGLUTTON", the old school of Traditional caring American Values, but like other catch sayings, "NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED". This and you are part of Generation Y, not Generation X, not even my Post Baby Boomers, but a faster generation hooked into fast visual media and consciousness. For the Gay counterculture, looks are everything, sexual value truly the Gold, grabbing as much for free with little accountability and a reality TV viciousness for its own sake, now commonplace. Gay porn actors, in the market of reward for looks and value performances would create the worst of Golddiggers. The public will take and discard which "stars" will last. Men do you wrong Mason, now you realize no more free lunches of self sacrificing favors to your financial stress. You are HIV positive now, so you have a pure reason to budget for your survival and med care and give time and money to those who merit it. I, like many of your fans are with you because you've earned your stars, and you are very believable as a human being. You're getting wiser and more scrutinizing about the bigger picture with a sexual robustness that fascinates us still.
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