Questions & Answers: Part Three
***Warning: If you're not a gay gamer then you might not like or understand what you are about to read. And YES, You can be a gamer AND still have a life.

Cock may be my addiction but video games are my passion. I spend more time questing than I do cruising. I have gulped down more Nuka Cola's in the past week than the total amount of cum loads I have swallowed in my lifetime. I've killed more necromorphs on the U.S.G. Ishimura than the number of guys that have plowed my hole on Planet Earth.

So what kind of gamer am I?
Even though I own four different gaming systems, I would consider myself mainly a Sony Play Station Loyalist and a PC Gamer.

I built my own PC, specifically for gaming. An Asus 8AN32 with SLi Mother Board, An AMD Opteron 185 Processor overclocked to 2.9 GHz, A Zalman CNPS9500A LED CPU Cooler, Two NVIDIA 8800GT Graphics Cards, 2 GB of DDR500 RAM, and a Western Digital 300GB Raptor Hard Drive... Now thats my idea of poetry. The rig is a couple years old but it still runs every PC game I play with ease.

Games that I play on PC are:
World of Warcraft: I just started playing it a month ago. I'm a Blood Elf Paladin, level 57. I play on Mal'ganis.
Fall Out 3: I found my father and freed him from Tranquility Lane. I chose to knife all the residents to death myself instead of having the Chinese invade.
Bioshock: I originally bought and played this game on the XBOX 360, in fact it was the ONLY reason why I bought an XBOX 360. I just bought it for the PC as well to compare the versions. I like it on the PC more. Better graphics.
Other games for the PC that I own but do not play that much anymore are: Oblivion, Age of Conan, Crysis, Fable, STALKER, F.E.A.R., The Orange Box (Half-Life 2, Team Fortress, Portal), and Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.

Why am I Play Station loyalist? When I was younger I used to play Nintendo. But then I got burned by the N64, the games were lacking and they were entirely too expensive. Then Sony revealed their Play Station gaming system and it had me at hello.
Final Fantasy VIII
Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 2
Silent Hill
I was hooked.
And then came the Play Station 2 and thus began one of the longest love affairs I've ever had in my 25 years of life... Oh the memories:

Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy 12
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Ace Combat 4
Ace Combat 5
Xenosaga 1
Xenosaga 3
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts II
Soul Caliber III
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution
Marvel Vs. Capcom: 2
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 3
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Shadow of the Colossus
God of War
God of War 2
Then on November 17, 2006 I fell in love again, this time with the Play Station 3.
Though I may have an affinity with the culture of the past, I also have a great appreciation for new gaming technology and cutting edge graphics. I'm an out and proud technophile and the Play Station 3 speaks to my heart.
First of all, unlike my sex partners, when it comes to video games not only do I need something pretty to look at but I also need a great deal of substance. The games on the play station 3 tell stories that I find enthralling. Science fiction, Fantasy, Adventure, and War. Take your pick. I LOVE that the games play out almost like interactive movies, which I know some people despise. The more cut scenes and story they put in a game, the more I like it.

Second of all, Blu-rays are amazing, the picture detail is superb, HDTV required of course. And in the arena of home entertainment, size definitely matters. Bigger is better, I went with the 55-inch SXRD Sony KDS-55A3000. And don't forget about surround sound. Blu-rays are packed with HD sound. If you want to get the full experience then you need to make sure you buy a receiver and speaker system that can give it to you. Trust me, if you care about sound quality, there's a HUGE difference. I chose an Onkyo receiver and definitive speakers to compliment the Sony PS3 and HDTV. It's so amazing I could cream my pants.
I've never done porn just for the money, but thinking of being able to afford my idea of the perfect home entertainment system definitely helped me take some of the bigger cocks in my porn career.

So what GAMES have I played on the PS3?
Resistance: Fall of Man
Resistance 2
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
Heavenly Sword
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Grand Theft Auto 4
Metal Gear Solid 4
Devil May Cry 4
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty
Assassin's Creed
The Force Unleashed

I'm currently playing Dead Space and shitting my pants... Yes, I get scared easily by horror games. And yet I cannot wait until Resident Evil 5 comes out! Have you seen how hot they made Chris Redfield?!