The cold weather has really helped me focus on the running. Cold weather means no shirtless men at the park, no shirtless men at the park means I don't get sidetracked as easily when I run. I'm free to train without the fear that I might pop a boner two miles down the track.
When I'm not training or working out, I'm playing video games. Which has been a perfect distraction for me during my recess from sex. I mean who can think about sucking dick when the Super Mutants and Enclave soldiers are attacking? I surely can't.
Writing about Harley yesterday was especially tough for me. Just thinking about the guy gets me all hot and bothered. But I was asked to name other porn models I would love to work with and I am determined to answer most, if not all of the questions y'all have sent in. Even if the answers to those questions might get my mind thinking thoughts that I probably shouldn't be thinking if I want to reach my goal of two weeks without sex. I know I still have more questions to answer, I will get to them, just be patient and check back often.

I'm not sure how much longer I will last with this no sex business. Not only because I'm starving for cock (I swear I've lost like seven cum pounds since the start of this no-dick diet) but
I've also been having to change my underwear upwards of three times a day. Sometimes the pre-cumming has gotten so bad that it seeps through my shorts. I'm not saying this to try and turn anyone on. It's just simply ridiculous to go through that many pairs of underwear in one day. What do you think I should do?
Hi sexy, can you please do a post on your workout routine? You have a beatiful boda and dying to know they type of diet/gym routine you follow. Thanks!!!!!
I admire your fortitude. So young and with the will power of a Spartan. I would love to be there when you end your punishment and present yourself for that first tryst. Awe – to be young again. Hang tough.
Hey Mason. Have been a fan of yours for awhile. U look so damn natural and fun when having sex. When I see u having sex, I WANT to have sex. with you would be hot,,but u know. Do whatever u think u need to..but sex is good for the soul.
Well done Mason! "Fortitude" is definitely the right word to describe your achievements. Why stop here? The longer you do this, the more credit you'll get for it in the end. In one of your previous blogs, you wanted to understand why not everyone loved you? Isn't this the perfect opportunity?
You could say one of the famous lines used by Lord Yukimura Sanada,
"Burn on, my raging spirit!"
Well, maybe not that one, but just an idea!
Your good English pal
Rav ^^
So, do you or have you plan on having a scene with Harley? Where would we be able to find it if you do?
Im thinking u should just rub one out. I think that would help the underwear situation for now. After that, Im pretty sure u can finish out the rest of the week.
I say just keep it all in and wait the extra week.
think about the size of the load youre gonna have!!!
also take some pictures or videos and show us when you finally do get stuffed or rub one out!!
Start having sex!!
i think you need to get your hole double stuffed when you give into your desires. Maybe you could have three studs over. Two to DP you, and 1 to fuck your face.
Then of course the guy fucking your face could rotate one of the fuckers out so that you can taste your ass on his cock.
I feel your pain. I love my boyfriend and I know we can bust it whenever we want, but sometimes it can be difficult. I view pictures of other mens penis' and I salivate. It seems like I can't get enough.
do what you want to do. you've gone a week without any major complications, if you can go longer, more power to you. but there's nothing wrong with blowing a load every now and again
It is quite difficult Mason to still without sex during many days ... When I have not sex, I surf the Web and hot sites gay and had also important pre cum and I had frequently to change my underwears so I often masturbating with pre cum. Personally pre cum Exite me more.
You must not feel intimidated ... the pre cum do not exit? I would like to be with you at this time of your pre-cum is up ...
NO SEX! Keep at it Mason. I want to see the crazy-ness that occurs on day 15 if you go 14 days without sex.
Cold weather running is the best!
You want Harley? Well, I want Steve. Sean Cody's got some hot guys.
Keep at it, it'll be worth it.
Hi Mason,
I'm very impressed by your self-discipline. I thought 3 days would be your max. Since you've already gone 1 week, don't slip up now. Show everyone you can forego sex for the full 2 weeks.
Have you thought about selling your pre-cum stained underwear? I'd buy one... or maybe even two!
good job mason! if you've goteen this far, i think you should see how long you can last! the longer you wait...the better the reward is in the end ;)
Picture this: Big ugly women with gross smelly vaginas squirting vaginal fluids and oozing vaginal mucus.
Now;is your dick still hard? If it is ,then ur one sick bastard.LMFAO.
Glad I could help.
Mason,are you playin wit yerself raht now? Betchyu r.
Dead cats. Nuns. No sex. One more week. You can do it.
Tell us a few stories of the heroes who plugged your hole before you became famous especially the one who ate your cherry
keep it up just one more week! i decided to see if i can go two weeks too and im on day five so i feel your pain! my mouth even waters wanting a big fat cock in it!
Well Congrats Mason. BTW that pose in the first pic is very superman like, lol.
I agree with jonathan. Your life is turning into an episode of Seinfeld. Okay, so you're now "the master of your domain". Why torture yourself like this? You're just going to wind up with a painful wet dream.
You don't have to prove anything to anybody dammit. To hell with people who say you're addicted. They're jealous that they can't keep up with you. You're a very beautiful man after all, why not spread those awesome genes around?
good for you! hold out the two weeks man!
you definitely need to keep this up and when you finally do cum you need to write a very detailed post about it.
prove to yourself that you are the master of your form and wait the two weeks. plus you did give your word after all. all the more sweet when you can finally let loose.
Mason you're doing a great job and I'm proud of you. You told us you would be strong and avoid any sexual activity and that is what you have been doing. The first week was hell, as it was expected to be, but with the other distractions you have, training for your marathons, video games, and answering our questions, I know you can make it. You are proving to yourself that sex is not all that makes you who you are.
Just wanted to say that I am a HUGE fan of yours! I always love seeing you in everything you do. I truly believe you are the best out there! I am 19 and a virgin to guys, and I ALWAYS fantasize about you.... So I understand your frustration with the precum on the underwear, because that is what you do to me! haha
Mason.I'm a new fan and becoming a huge one.
You wanted to wait two weeks. Wait two weeks. Simple as that. If you waited this long, you can do it. You'll feel better about yourself when it's all over. It's only TWO WEEKS! 14 Days! You won't have any regrets and when you finally cum it'll all be worth it and more!
I love your blog. You're so smart and good-looking. I'm jealous.
Maybe now would be a good time to read up on Tantric sex
Keep up the good work. When the two weeks is up and you've succeeded, you'll feel amazing! (^_^) I believe in you!
Hi once again ^^
Just so you know, I'm going to make a blog on other dieas that you could use to help with this celibacy. It may not work, but at least it's another idea of what you could do. Visit my blog to state your opinion. Thanks ever so much
Rav ^^
....anyone can suck cock and masturbate. I say the course and dont jack off.
Try some more absorbant ones. Depends, perhaps?
Wait till the two weeks is up since you got this far. You'll be proud of yourself. The second week will probably be easier than the first one anyway, since your glands and seminal vesicles will settle down. You said you have a shoot coming up? Make sure they get a good shot of your two-week load. From my experience, it will probably be not only copious, but thick and a bit yellowish, like mayonnaise. Yum.
Hi Mason. I love your Website! Thanks! A quick question....if you could get gang banged by 10 celebrities, who would they be? Again, thanks for your site! Scott
hey its up to you if you wanna go back to haveing sex but hey sex is good its feels good to have a cock in the hole
I started reading your blog with your rape entry. Ever since then, I've come to notice what an interesting person you are.
For the record, Harley lives in Chicago. I've seen him before but didn't make any fanatic moves. I currently live in Chicago as well. I figured that I'd run into him again. I actually submitted pics and spoke with Mr. Sean Cody himself, I really have to access if I should make the plunge into porn world or not...At 23, ambitious and planting the seeds of success for my career, I don't think it'll be a good idea but it's always been something in me that I've always wanted to try...
but anyways, back to you.
You could go another week without sex. I long for the entry that says "14 days and I made it!" or something more creative along those lines. Keep playing your video games. I remember when I was 16 and went 2 wks without releasing a load during the winter period, it was insane so when I finally did cum while visiting an aunt during the holidays in their guest room, it was BEAUTIFUL. Those 2 wks might have been worth it because I've never had such an intense orgasm.
omg...i could not go a week without blowing a load. mad props to you man.
I was wondering where you got that hot pair of underwear you have been wearing in a number of your pictures recently... its grey and white and looks like mesh? What company??
Hi, just me again ^^
What is it with people who are anonymous, but state their name right at the end? That is why it is called anonymous! So you don't reveal your identity!
Do people not engage their brains about this?
Oh well.......
I'll love ya and leave ya then
Ciao, Rav ^^
Keep going! You've gone a week! That would be tough, and you don't want to waste that week without accomplishing your goal. Stay strong ma brutha.
you can do it Mason. i have little competitions with myself to see how long i can go without it and so far i'm up to six days...you can do it.
just keep up with the video games! haha.
What are you trying to prove anyway? Sex is Fun! And as addictions go its one of the cheaper ones, in your case I'd say profitable! lol.
And now a few excerps from my forthcoming new book
"I Was a Teenage Sex Addict"
by teeROY SprAcKs
publisher: 8-balls of FIRE!
I was a sex fiend/addict from the age of 12 until about 28. It truly is an addiction that I've battled off and on for years, but after years of psychotherapy, I came to the realization that while I was never going to be an Aberzombie model, I wasn't as heinous as I believed, and having sex with that third person in a two hour period while I was missing my Organic Chemistry final was NOT going to make me beautiful or feel loved. But so goes the common "emotional validation through sexual gratification" thing that many a gay men put ourselves through.
I could've written a guide book to tearooms in the Denver Metro area at 16! (boy was I a pedo's delight) I had sex or masturbated at least twice a day and as many as ten times a day, everyday! Until, one day I realized it had been like five days since I jacked off, and come to think of it I hadn't been fiending for sex for sometime now. I was 32 or 33, and seven years into a happy, loving, well adjusted relationship that ultimately ended just shy of 13 in July of last year. I didn't need endless anonomous encounters to feel loved, B/C I was in love! Now, all sentimentality aside, I'm still a SLUT, just a self-actualized, self-loving and self-affirming SLUT! and now a SINGLE SLUT! Not that that EVER stopped me, I mean really, monogamy? I don't need a breast exam!
Just you wait, my young padawan, plenty of weeks there will be, when you don't even think about sex! The libido works in mysterious ways as you age. It ebbs and flows. Mine has been on a downward trend the past few years (I'm 37) and I've kinda embraced it. They say it comes back with a vengance after 40. Do you know how much more you get done in a day when you aren't cruising online or sitting in a BR stall waiting for that next cock to come at you through the glory hole? I just discovered your site and look forward to exploring it and YOU more! You are hella HOT and while I think you are out of my league (my insecurity, not your issue), I must give you props for your ability to embrace and exploit what the Gods have so generously blessed you with! And as my mama likes to say "WoW, he's pretty AND Smart!"
And, thank your for so graciously sharing yourself with others. I'd love to be hanging out in your world....
I think u should fuck ur bf end it now mans not supposed 2 not have sex. We're sexual beings - go 4 it
Let's smoke a bowl. Weed makes my penis happy
Fuck it bro..The pre cum fairy has obviosuly been tryn 2 get ur attention for a while. She says suck a dck and get fucked..not doin it is gettin you no where..whats the point? uve already gone longer than u thought u could..so u have surprised urself and prob others. get out there and find that throbbin cock for your holes hunger..u know u want to..so do it
and to whoever said he'd have the most intense orgasm...hell he could have the most intense orgasm of his life now seein as he has nvr gone thing long before and been tempted..go for it mason..get at those dicks bruh
You need to stop biting your nails.
You needs sex, lots of sex.
Come on how u hate xenosaga 2 I mean if u play one and three. U have to like it i mean its not that raw but hey its part of the story. I heard they making a fourth part for PS3. That maybe. So one week to go. Go mason in a week u finish. By the way as mr. marvel. vs capcom raw on the computer u can save it and never lose haha P.S sometimes its hard to wait but hey after two weeks it makes the sex way better
congrats on your self control... i'm impressed. wish i was there in the morning to lick up that pre-cum... i would save your underwear from being messed up ;)
I'm impressed! Good job Mason!
Your sex-fast only makes me want to tease you into involuntary spurting, like those edging vids whose "victims" are ordered not to come & then tickled when they do. (They always do.) So imagine making out for hrs with Harley, who gets a little rough, ripping ur clothes off, knotting your hands together w/ ur T-shirt, commanding u to tongue down every drop of pre-cum & sniff/lick/suck his balls only to have him to spread those hot runner's legs of yours with his dick & while NEVER letting u touch yourself & w/ his hands around ur throat for leverage except when he tweaks your nipples fucks u every which way for hours & hours. IS THIS HELPING?
Hey sexy, please go on with the diet, im reallly curious to see how long u can go. Im like you and I NEVER HAD the force to do this diet, even if only for fun. I love cock too much and I need my daily dosis ;-)!
Hang on and keep us posted.
André from Paris, France
Screw the no-sex thing, throw your legs up in the air and take it like the slutty boy you are! ( I mean that in the most complimentary fashion-of course!)
reading about your precum soaked underwear makes me so fucking insane. love reading your site. wish you would chat with me sometime.
hey im one of ur freinds on myspace i think personaly the longer u w8 the better it feels :)
luv ya
DO IT!!! If you jack, I want to see how big of a cumload you shoot. It'll probably be enormous.
cum for me
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