WHY DOESN'T EVERY ONE LOVE ME? I THOUGHT I WAS GOD'S GIFT TO GAY MAN!!! WHO WOULDN'T WANT ME?!?!? I SHOULD JUST OVERDOSE ON CRACK AND KILL MYSELF RIGHT NOW! Wait, I don't do drugs. Oh well moving on. One of you mentioned my huge nose and something about getting it fixed. Yeah it is pretty big and ugly isn't it? I'm not sure about plastic surgery though. I mean I don't think the best plastic surgeons in the world could save my butt ugly mug. And if anything desperately needs to be fixed it would be my ears, have you seen them?! They're HUGE, I'm like a mix between Dumbo and Spock! But for the time being they give guys something to grab on to while they fuck my face.
Some other people keep mentioning a James Robert Wallace. According to Wikipedia he is a Scottish Baron who is a member of the British House of Lords and we just happen to have the same birth name. Personally, I prefer to be called Mason these days but who am I to tell you what to do. Can I be expecting stalkers now? Maybe some mean spirited snail mail? Its been awhile since I've gotten a hand written letter! Oh I'm so excited!

Some reader suggested that I'm in desperate need for help and attention. Yes Yes, My roof does need repairing, any one want to help me fix it? I also need help with painting my walls, I was thinking valentine red. What do you think? Also.... GIVE ME YOUR ATTENTION, I NEED MORE ATTENTION!!! I WILL DIE WITHOUT ATTENTION!!! Do I have your attention now? Awesome.
Another commenter implied I was soliciting sex from my readers and mentioned something about my rapist. I'm sure it was purely out of concern for my safety. Don't you worry about me mister because I'm just DYING to get raped again.
Somebody else said something about not touching me because I probably have a ton of diseases... Yeah I probably wouldn't come anywhere near me if I were you. I'm probably toxic and radioactive, like a living breathing Chernobyl. You could get cancer, herpes, male patterned baldness, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS, hepatitis A, B, C, D, F, E, AND G just for looking at my pictures. Hell, I feel sorry for the entire population of Houston, for simply being in the same city as me is probably enough for them to get a Mason Wyler STD, good thing they have the world's best medical center.
But there's just one thing that baffles my mind. I just can't possibly understand how my STD tests keep coming back negative, must be their faulty lab equipment. Or maybe my blood has become so toxic that no virus can survive in me. Either way those tests must be inaccurate.
I better contact 169,373 different models and anonymous hook-ups that I've had intercourse with so that we can plan a mass funeral together. I mean its best to plan ahead, right? Everyone is invited to attend, Bio-hazard suits required.
Yo estaba siendo sarcástico. J'ai été sarcastique. Mi è stato sarcastico.
Minä olin sarkastinen. Ich wurde sarkastisch. 私は皮肉されていた。
Jag var sarkastisk. الأول كان يجري الساخرة
Minä olin sarkastinen. Ich wurde sarkastisch. 私は皮肉されていた。
Jag var sarkastisk. الأول كان يجري الساخرة
Я был саркастический.
Why would i want to insult you i love the work you do and you look gorgeous you do not need any work done
hahah well only one thing i believe i could agree with is the attention thing..but DUH who doesnt like attention....but that doesnt mean your going out fo your way for it...you make a living on camera.....so im pretty sure getting attention (like any other star) is part of it. plus, its your job to keep ppl reading..if your attracting enough attention where ppl are reading the message then you are still being thought about and in the back of peoples minds...therefor you are mor recognizable and easier to advertise. HA so SUCK IT HATERS! YOUR JUST JEALOUS! go do somthing to get yourself the attention you envy so much that Mason has. Wasting your time hating on anyone will not get you that attention.
don't forget leprosy, us gays also spread leprosy, and steal souls of small babies
no insults from me, Mason, I like you just the way you are (I just wish my cock was pounding your hole).
If only i was as "ugly" looking as you. (great bod by the way) I too could have a job being sleazy and would probably enjoy every minute of it.
Personally I'd love to have sex with Mason
Ain't going to happen.
If you get your rocks off by insulting someone you don't even know..Get a life.. Sex is a whole lot more fun.
ppl are going to hate dont know why they just do but from me you do what you wanna do and as long as your happy doing it and i get a peek at it..he he he..its ok
I have to say that if people are bad mouthing you it's only because they are jealous of you! You're hot and they are probably not. As far as the other shit they be talking, they're probably just trying to get to you, push your buttons and all..
I dont see anything wrong with you Mason.... I think you are a very good looking man. I do enjoy reading your blog. :-)
I do hope you have a better day.
you're my freaking idol. richard, i dont think you quite understood this article, read it again or look at the multilingual disclaimer at the bottom. even if you only speak english id say "sarcastique" "sarcastico" are a dead give away
i just discovered your blog (shame on me, i know) and i like it very much. not only for the nice pictures (although, they are a big plus) but also for the nicely/funny written articles. keep it up :)
i like you better with short short hair..thats the best i could come up with!! ;)
I found your blog after hearing about recent unfortunate events in your life. I happen to think your VERY H-O-T just as you are. I'm glad that you are still willing to share your life with us given all that has happened. You are a very strong person and I wish you well.
Hey Mason:
This is my first post. I dont think that you are ugly in anyway or have any diseases. I am not begging to have sex with you but I would NEVER turn it down. I think that you are a very hot, cute, and sexy guy. When I heard of your rape, my heart almost broke in half. I felt so bad for you and just wanted to be able to hug you and comfort you. I have not seen much of your work but with your work in Porne Ultimatum and Brent Corrigan's Summit, I seen enough. You are such a great guy. From what I have seen and read, you are such a very interesting person and well educated and spoken. Would love to have you as a friend anytime. Take care and hope to chat with you again soon. SUPER HUGE HUG and LUV YA PAL!
Addison, MI
Mason I see that your morale is low! If you are not with their taste, "je t'aime bien" and I think you're beautiful boy, there's not many guys like you ... and sexy, with a body of god.
Are you kidding when you say you sucked Jake Gyllenhaal? OMG I love this guy so much ... lucky boy!
You say a lot of guys do not love you here, but in reality you are very appreciated and it is with this need that you continue to move forward.
You say you need more attention, but if the boy who read your blog are like me so we can not do without you.
You're a good guy and lovely too.
Hugs sweety
It looks like you've been reading each and every post... is it because you are trying to keep your mind off of SEX??
How many days have you gone without SEX now?
nice sense of humor. the best response to anonymous internet insults.
you're getting pretty muscular =)
oh mason. we love you.
I have to say I'm very glad I started reading your blog on a regular basis because, aside from being the hottest thing since sunburn (well, I think you are, anyway) you are a very thoughtful, intelligent, and gifted writer. Thanks for keeping me entertained.
Hi mason, you ears look perfectly fine and I don't see any mugs on your butt on the scenes you did. Probably I should look at more closely if I have a chance.
Can we see more pix of you being "easy" :-)
Brother. Don't listen to nasty people. All that negative energy is poisonous. Just be your fine self. I am sure most would love to have even a brief, single moment to look deep into those adorable eyes and feel your lips on theirs.
Also, keep up the cheekiness; it is not only entertaining, but also charming.
OH Mason. Don't you worry about those haters. They wouldn't know what to do with such beauty if they had it. Tey are just jealous because they can't have you... of course, I probably can't either, but I don't hate and I'd never insult you. Personally I think you are beautiful and sexy as all hell. You'll always have my love, attention and support no matter what. Keep on going, you sexy guy you!
LMAO!!! Your blog made me laugh numberous times...Some people have nothing better to do. Jealousy is a very nasty disease in itself..I hope you dont catch that disease too!! I think you rock!! Hell I would risk the disease to have a night with you!! (wink wink)
guess I don't need to shell out that $200 to get Mason's real name now. Just need to do a good backround check on him and I can send these snail-mail hate letters that he spoke about now.
Idiot.... if you were looking to get money from other idiots for your "real name" then I sure would have not posted it on the main website.
(Grads Motrin bottle to help with headache I just got)
Dude, i love the shit you do. You are a good person. Even though i have never met you, but one i hope i can. You are uniqur. So fuck me, i mean them. Just live your life and who cares what others think
personally, I think you're gorgeous :D
People are completely digusting online. Look at any blog anywhere, or just anywhere that people are allowed to make comments. Rather its Cnn, politics, celebrities, or in this case porn actors. People feel they have the right to go anywhere and trash someone for no reason at all. I dont get it, If they're at a porn star's blog and they dont like the porn star...go to a different blog. I honestly think a lot of it is just ugly trolls with no social skills who spend hours on end all over the internet trashing people just so they dont have to face the fact that they suck. Just because you're a porn star doenst give someone the right to insult you or make allegations against you that have no baring BECAUSE THEY DONT KNOW YOU. that crap pisses me off...alot. Just saying Lol.
The haters are just jealous. Ignore them.
Hey, your nose and ears look perfectly fine (so never alter them), and taken as a whole (no pun intended), you're extraordinary....good looking and as smart as fxck! :-)
People are stupid...just ignore them.
Did you know there are many men out there that are attracted to intelligent, self-professed geeky guys with big ears and nose? I'm one of them.
oh god no, I just found out I got three std's from looking at your pictures and watching some ofyour videos. Fuck my life.
I can't see why anyone would want to insult a sweet huggable lovable muffin like you. Sounds like a bunch of bitter old queens.
Hahaha, I love your sacarsm... and stupidtiy... and the fact that after reading a single post I get dazzled because of the contrast between the background and the letters... It just kills me
It's amazing the jealousy some of the ass hole readers have towards you. Most are just jealous that your weight is 300 pounds less than theirs, and you are making a living because you take care of yourself. You know of at least one more person in your corner.
Insult? Why would I want to insult the perfect man? I think you are hot just the way you are!! I mean I think of you every night before bed and touch myself. You give me the best dreams ever! I love you and your work! Please never ever change anything!!! P.S If you are ever in San Francisco we can have wild sex!
Reacting to all these comments only encourages more comments. Don't react. You and only you know the truth about yourself. What others think and say is usually more a reflection of the way they feel about themselves and not really about you. Live your life as you see fit and others be damned.
Mason you are the best I love you and your movies! Keep up the good work and hey all the haters hate because they wanna be you love ya
U don't do enough work, do more... i think you are HOT the way you are. no changes needed unless you have me in bed with you instead of your BF... Now that would be a change and make my dreams come true... and the ones that are insulting you are just jelous of what you have and they don't..
Mason, I have had a bitter-sweet 1-sided relationship with you, being on my side alone. Sometimes, I have found your blog vapid due to your personal feelings in which we don't always see eye-to-eye, yet I've kept reading with no animosity or ill-will toward you. I have to admit that the reason I started reading was because of who you were. Having known a lot of porn stars in my day (I'm only 31!) I know how their ego can be...so it never bothered me and I continue to read. My advice my little porn star, don't let the haters get you down. When you put yourself in a public arena in which the retards of the world can put up their two cents, well, its bound to happen. Just pray (or have good thoughts) that your site doesn't attract the attention of the Hillsboro Baptist Church. Those fucko's know how to ruin a wet dream, even if it is you who is starring in it. Chin up, love.
i think you're fucking hot and kinda funny too. i enjoy reading your blog.
You have a very good sense of humour.
That is good!
Some people were beyond mean with their comments.
Some take issue because they do not believe the rape.
I am not a member of the MW fan club, but I will tell you that you are a very handsome man-
Keep the sense of humuor, it is very important in life!
well, after reading the other comments there's not much to say...getting hate mail is fun....it just shows you know how to push the right buttons....hate is a product of insecurity...you have your insecurity, but you hide it well with your vanity...don't get me wrong...vanity is a wonderful thing....conceit..no...conceit is not so great...vanity is appreciating all God (or whatever creator of your being) has gifted you mentally, physically, and spiritually....enjoy yourself...I know you do *besos*
i think you handled that well. I hope it doesn't bother you. Anyone with this kind of following is bound to get some jackass spewing hatred.
I like everything about you. But I won't stalk you. I don't have the time. LOL!
I keep thinking there has to be some sarcastic comment I can make about you and the pixelated face man in all the latest sexy photos. Something about if you face fucked him it would feel real different. Sadly I am completely unfunny.
Awkward Tag Line!
Ha! Love your bitchy humor. You should write like that more often; it's really funny. Also, you forgot pneumonia; it spontaneously appears when your eye-sockets are clogged with too much splooge. :D
awww masssonnnn
i feel bad . ill suck your cock for free if you want? just call me up shugga.
LOL, Mason, I love how you have taken their hate and made a mockery of it. Im sure that those people that insulted you about your looks didn't send a picture of themselves for you to evaluate and critic them, so they should shut up. Those that think your a slut or have a million and one STD's have obviously not watched your work where you have only safe sex, ok and some facial cum, but hey that tastes good.
Sorry to say Mason I can't insult you, since you put yourself out there for us to talk about, and are willing to take the good and the bad. I'm just happy that you aren't letting the bad get you down, and you can take their rude insults and move then to the trash were they belong.
Mason Mason MAson_
Im sure you don't need reassurance, But your CUTE!!!
and you would'nt have gotten as far in the industry if you did'nt have looks! Your cock sucking is pretty good too!!!
I love how ignorant people are about std's and AIDS. And how it's still an insult to say "omg you have aids" I've never heard someone say "you have cancer" as an insult, educate yourselves. ALSO, dumbo was a good fucking movie, so i'd take it as a compliment.
You slutty bitch, why not me huh? Well dude, i always wish yu the best, even though yu an attention whore. But what porn star isn't. Yur face in the picture is talking to me in 1000's of words. Yu pretty ghostly pale... try some light color maybe. But yu really cute as a white white dude from texas. I hope this wasn't too insulting. I'm pretty bad with confrontations. LIVE LOVE EAT!!!
I think you're sweet.
I truly admire your sarcasm. I appreciate it when people do sarcasm well :)
Mason just want you to know that i love ya man and you have been absolutely great to me with everything that has happened to me and you are awesome people are just stupid and jealous thats all so keep doing what your doing and being yourself because your personality is what has done it for me.
I think your blogs are for most part, funny. I make a point to read every morning. (and to look at the new pictures as well).
I guess people need to remember that if they don't like what you write or do, they don't have to be a part of it and the most important: "If you have nothing nice to say... don't say anything at all."
'Mason', I truly enjoy your sense of humour (and your looks).
You seem to be a little 'antsy' at the moment though. I'm guessing you still haven't given in. Good on you!
To those 'dissing' you - stuff 'em! ;)
Marcus, good luck bearing/baring :) with the moodiness. I'm sure You're going to reap all of the benefits.
How long has it been now, Mason? You can go a bit longer... ;) ...
Me and my boyfriend talked about going on a possible break, because he felt like there was a lot going on his life right now. But we ended up having sex for the first time, he has had it before but it was my 1st time and I lost my virginity. When we where done, I was asking about our future and he was still set on the break. I said he knew it was my 1st time and he had just taken my virginity but he didn't seem to care and went off to sleep. No cuddles. No 'good night'.
I kind of feel like I did it to possibly keep us together. My minds so full right now. I can't stop thinking. I cried. I feel so used.
I really don't know what to do.
Usually the people insulting are just bitter old queens taking thier own issues out on someone else, pathetic.
Haters are just jealous Mason. You are hot. Keep me smiling you handsome devil.
Eu estava a ser sarcástico... that's portuguese for I was being sarcastic! You can add it to the blog! ;)
One thing: Never "fix" your ears! They're so nice to grab while having sex...either being face fucked...or doggy style (come one...it's nice!)
I love how you have a link to insult you.....but honestly I don't think you're nose is too big.....I think you have a good face...
I wouldn't say I loved you since I don't know you but I like you, your blogs and your movies give me a raging boner.
I am not one to just go around insulting people but I do have some constructive criticism.
first, keep your hair short, it looks way hotter than when it is all wild & unkempt. That's just my opinion though not fact and it is your hair :P. Second, do more scenes as a top, you say you are vers but most of the scenes w/ you are you as a bottom and u have a totally hot cock and bod that look way hot when u do top.
Now in response to a few things on your post.
If I were you I wouldn't dismiss any rumor of getting w/ Jake Gyllenhaal, he is way hot.
I think red is a totally awesome color for walls, specially bed rooms and dinning rooms, wish I could help paint but I am in PA.
Yes, u have my attention so much so that I read the full post and find it amusing enough to reply to.
I hope you at least got some cool super powers or neat mutation w/ the toxicity & radiation. I mean Poison Ivy can control plants, spider-man can climb up walls, Hulk turns big and green. Maybe u will be able to get boners that grow as big as you want or cum shots that can blast some one into the next zip code or an ass hole that can seal off completely or open up to swallow whole people.
An absolutely fantastic response to all the small minded bigots who've been posting lately. Couldn't stop laughing when I read it. As you'll have seen from most of the comments here, we luv ya Mason!
Mason! Glad tosee you haven't lost our sense of humor.Your huge nose is fine.I wouldn't let a surgeon in 10 miles of your huge nose and your Bambi-like ears are so cute.I love that Nora Desmond pic of you at the beginning of your blog...totally psychotic!!You look like you've just come from the funny farm! lmao.I think your nose,huge nose is okay since it's nowhere as big as your cock,huge cock.I'd like a mouthful of your Scottish Cream Mr. Wallace,I'm a bonny gewd coom goozlerrrr! By the way,where did you learn to say "i'm sarcastic" in all those languages.How many do you know? Spreek je nederlands,boetje?
Omg,you got Jake Gyllenhall.Gurl,NO YU Di'int!!!! C'mon Mami wutz da truth? How big is ole Jakey's diddley ding anyways?
Mason my dear I love you!
You are fucking hilarious! I love your humor, your writing style and your thick, dripping sarcasm! Not to mention, you seem to have an actual soul and sense of maturity. It also doesn't hurt that you're sexy, have an awesome body and aren't afraid to share it with the rest of us. Those of us who stumble upon your blog should consider ourselves lucky. I know I do. Mason rocks!
Well Mason I hope you're happy. You've really done it now. On top of being an ugly, attention-hungry, badass who is a walking STD factory, you've now shown that you have a brain and have systematically told off all the nay-sayers with quite a bit of style and flourish. I'm impressed!!! But how DARE you???
YOU created a blog about YOU and YOUR life and YOUR career and things that interest YOU and then you DARE to talk about those things freely?? SHAME! Don't you know that all the detractors are the ones who are important? That they have committed themselves to trolling the internet, scouring website after website just to put people in their place? It's basically they're job to set the world straight. God forbid someone have a healthy opinion of themselves or at the very least, admit they while they're not perfect, they're a work in progress and eager to continue making progress. These "internet policeman", if you will, crawled out from under some mossy rock, fully evolved and perfect. For you to not drop to your knees and worship them (no, not like THAT. They HATE that) is a slap in the face to them and clearly, you must be punished.
Ah, sarcasm. I do suckle at your tasty teat. The fact of the matter is, if people who criticize everyone, would spend as much time looking inward and fixing themselves first, it would be AMAZING to see what we could accomplish. Less hate. More love. Get with it people.
You don't REALLY want insults! Your nose is fine, your face is sexy, your ears are perfectly fine as well. yum.
Mason,I don't think your abnormally large nose is anything to be ashamed of.Why,your big bazooka can stretch all the way from Houston to San Francisco,that's how big your banana nose is.A schnozz to be recond with.I'm sure it doesn't get in the way of kissing dudes...too often.Your nose is an inspiration to all Middle Easterners who hide out in the desert fucking camels all nite long.Heck,your nose may one day win the Pulitzer Prize for Humanity,it's that relevant.God bless you Mason Wyler and your abnormally huge,physically deformed,esthetically horrific,internationally renowned NOSE!
Nobody said it was big.Your nose is really kinda small(nervous laughter)really it's barely visible from space,Mason,truly it is.He he.
oh yeah,I never noticed it before.Your Nose,um,your nose is,it's not so bad.You have a splendid butt at least.
Jesus,Mary and Joseph that's a mighty BIG NOSE.Lord Help Us!
Does your nose have it's own zipcode?
Mason,I'ma talent agent,Jonathan B. Kinely.I'd like to offer your nose a ten year contract guaranteed to get your nose into the motion picture industry by 2009.Tell your Nose,I'll be awaiting his reponse.Kind regards,JK.
Ever Consider Getting your Nose a Penthouse View of Downtown Houston?
So,what are you saying? I don't care a Jimmy Jhue's about yer nose man.I just wanna see you do a scat flick.mmmmkay?
Since the first time I looked at you - your cute face and very nice body, from toe to top, you are my idea of perfect.
I am so sad you were sexually assualted, no one deserves this! I have actually never seen any of your films, only stills on the internet. You are a total fantasy for me.
I wish you only the best - a happy, succesful and peaceful life and career. All the best from Tennessee.
I love your ears!!!
Awww.. I <3 you.
dont let the man get you down
Your nose is big.Deal with it
Mr. Mason Wyler,
I answer your post just asking for you thinking about a Christina Aguilera´s song (BEAUTIFUL).
Please, listen to this song and pay attention. The lyrics are so true!
You are extremely beautiful exactly the way you are, because
I think every human being has an own beauty. Good answer, no?
I believe you´ll like this answer, because you demonstrated you like music, posting the comment about the lyrics of that Lilly Allen´s song.
So, I give you some Brazilian love, support and respect! Oh, and I am a total "Vanilla" gay, but I don´t judge your behavior! I have a different way of living but I try to respect another points of views, because each person has own thoughts. For me, this question about respect is 100% clear!
Dude what's the deal with your nose?Did it get broken 5 tmes over man? Plastic surgeons can perform wonders even in extreme cases like yours.Here's hpoin you'll do the right thing.Nobody should have to be subjected to looking at that monstrosity.Not even satan.
he, he, he... I love to read you. It is pretty cool what you write. I think we need more reality in this gay world. I ask my self sometimes how many of this people who said an insult or feel insulted for a fact of reality in gay world (mean, been available to talk about sex and have sex with total freedom and with our remorse) are those than you find drunk in a bath house? How many have the "perfect" life (wife, kids, hose with a white fence) are just thinking about the next time they would go to the club to get fuck? mmmmh, totally hypocrisy and very easy to judge for what they are lusting inside.
My ears are bigger!!!!
Mason, the world is full of jerks and the internet makes it too easy for them to attack people. I'm glad that your std's test come back negative. I hope that they always will, but please... please be even more carefull in future and always use a condom! I hope to enjoy your videos for as long as you enjoy making them.Takecare and hugz, Steven J upstate NY.
My cock is bigger! 8-)
LOL Very funny article sir. Of course some people want to insult you, but only because they are immensely envious of (a) your job - they want to get fucked by hot models - (b) your undeniable good looks and great body (including an awesome cock) and (c) your wit and intellect. Envy spawns terrible contempt. The rest of us think you're funny, smart and sexy as hell.
Have some pics of me in action with the same dude boning/sucking you in your most recent amature pics. His dick is THICK!!!! HOT HOT
I have always been told, If they say something bad about me, then there is something probably bad about them, so take this to heart Mason, People say shit, People thing shit but mostly They dont know shit. So Keep on Being my Favorite Porn star and my personal best boy to get off too, did I just say that on the internet? oops! I never masterbate! really I dont!
I'm so sorry that people insult you. I think you are great. You share your thoughts with your fans and not a lot of people do that.
Let's see... coming up with an insult is difficult. The issues you raise about looks and behavior are either moot or disingenuous.
Your nose and ears are not all that large, and overall you're very handsome -- nice eyes especially. Your body, dick and ass are way above average.
As for your sexual addiction and behavior, you haven't caught anything yet (or anything serious at least), so you must be doing something right.
Let's see -- your behavior is somewhat juvenile in a few areas. You seem sort of unfocused about making the most of your career, just taking things as they cum; and you were obviously somewhat careless to let that assault happen. If you had gotten a positive ID for the creep, he probably wouldn't have been so aggressive because he would have known he'd get caught.
That said, I know you're just a post-teenager who thinks he's invincible. But if you don't focus on growing up a bit mentally, you are likely to regret it later on.
That's not quite an insult, but it's the best I can do for now.
This is my rule of thumb.....live to make you happy and if other people dont like it, and/or you than Fu*K 'EM......and further more who care what your haters say they don't know you in personally.....another rule for me and maybe you too....I don't know you personally but...."you know your the best when those that don't even know you hate you.....call'em your modahaters". and as for your looks you are beautiful....OK...so dont let modahaters get under your skin or they'll destroy your insides....and yea I'd Def. fuck you if you were interested......I cant get enough of your page....so yea hit me up and let me know, and i meant everything i said.
Jason Bone
If you acknowledge the haters, you're just going to give them something to feed on. It makes them feel validated and they will continue.
Your hot, don't change anything about yourself. Everyone else is just jealous!!!
Man, this is funny, some of you people are gonna put down this guy, I find it comical. First of all, if any one of you people especially the ones that are putting him down would be the first ones on his jock the moment he is in your area or if you were to meet him. Also, don't give me that bull that if he was to have sex with any of you that you would not take him up on the offer, again comical. Saying he is unattractive, now he would not be a very known pornstar if he was not attractive, cmon now. He is selling vidoes and it's not because people are buying them for the outstanding acting. Sum it up, Mason keep doing your thing, all the people that are talking trash, I lay you money probably have all your vidoes and are just either jealous or upset that they don't have you. Don't change your looks man, you seem to be doing well with how you look already, don't feed into them people and their b.s. Plus if they didnt like you and thought all this about u, then why are they on your blog, point given. Again man, welcome to now be a resident in Houston, maybe someday our paths will cross.
Hey Mason, is the guy you're with in these photos one of (hopefully) many citizen models? If so, I am gonna have to send you some pics of myself so I can get in on some of that action!
Dude, I think you're incredibly hot and I would plough you 6 ways till Sunday if I had the opportunity. To all the haters picking on your facial features, you guys can go screw yourselves. Why would you want to go under the knife to conform to the unrealistic standards of hollywood. I don't want you looking like a plastic doll with no facial expression. You're beautiful just the way you are and I would kill to look like you.
Mason, It cracks me up that someone as gorgeous as yourself is so worried about his looks. The ears...I like 'em! Mainly for the same reason you already stated, but good to nibble on too. As far as the nose, VERY manly! So FUCK 'EM ALL!
you should be straight.
Mason I am probably the one tou are reffering to who told you to get some help. Now I in no way meant that to be mean.
I think after a traumatic event such as you and marcus went through some counseling might be in order.
I don't think it could hurt to talk to someone. You tried writing about it on your blog and you got slammed for it by vicious doubters.
As for you being a festering std pit I doubt that very much. As far as Houston having to worry about you I doubt that as well. As far as your physical attributes they are not a issue.
What is a issue is you fishing for compliments:-)
You know you are hot and men want to plunder you and yet you need assurance that you are hot, how cute is that.
Now lets just pray that you stay hot like me at 50.
Hi again Mason ^^
I agree with the other guys; you don't need work. You have been given these features for a reason. If you want to change it, then you can do so, I am not going to judge you for your actions.
Just like and love yourself for who you are Mason. A life long lesson that very few people put into practice nowadays....Look at me with my geordie language XD
Hope you have a happy day
Many blessings
Oh, as an extra message, please don't listen to other people say Mason, it wastes time and valuable to even it.
I'm not gonna insult you or judge you...I am not god and only god can judge you the rest are just bullshit opinions of what others think..I have you on my myspace and never knew what you did but you were always posting stuff up about wyler nation so I decided to check it out....Dont listen to nobody and what they say cause as long as you like doin what your doin and your happy thats all that matters...and for the people that are against gays need to get the fuck over it cause it's not like your askin them to suck your dick...fuck the haters..keep your head held high and your dick hard buddy...peace
Those nose comments are mean. But they are funny as hell. LOL
They are all just haters mason. Don't you worry about them. Keep doing your thang and keep entertaining people!
At least your Finnish is a bit rusty: "Minulla oli sarkastinen" means "I had sarcastic" instead of "I was being sarcastic". The correct form would be "Minä olin sarkastinen". But don't worry, I still love you and want to have your babies ;)
Terveisiä Suomesta!
(Greetings from Finland)
yeah!!!! awesome very very hottest sexy "MASON WYLER" i like him very very nice guy cuz i was really very very interesting of Mason Wyler very much and of course i do care him lot very much !!!! i want him to get relationship and get together my whole life!!!! to have big nice dinner with him so much!!!! alway smile!!!! love ya xoxox
I don't understand why people would leave you comments only to insult you. I have yet to find anything wrong with you. I think you are gorgeous. The cutest face, sexiest body, a cock I would give anything to suck, and an ass I'd give anything to fuck.
I don't give a shit what anyone else thinks, I know I have sent plenty of time jerking off to your pics and video's.
God bless you for allowing us the opportunity to admire you and your body.
Putang ina mo!
Now that's my insult to you.
Who has so much time on their hands that they spend so much time reading the blog of somebody they don't like?
I've thought you were hot since your very first vid. Reading your blog only makes you hotter. It's awesome that you're as sarcastic and nerdy as you are. Gives me hope that if a nerd like you can maintain a body like yours, I can definitely keep my modest handsome physique.
As for your "giant" nose. WTF? You're totally hot, head to toe.
The people who read your blog, and then spend the time insulting you or questioning your motives are a bit ridiculous, to say the least.
anyone with an education can easily see when you're kidding, being sarcastic, or giving these a-holes just what they want to piss them off.
i've dealt with my share of jealous pricks who can't handle my sex life, comment on my looks, etc. so hopefully you aren't letting any of this shit actually get to you, but it sounds like you aren't, you just like taunting these guys and leading them on :) smart.
good luck with everything.
Dang. You are one hot guy.
Who could possibly insult you Mason. Don't touch a thing (plastic surgery wise) on you beautiful body and great looks.
You are the best looking porn star going. I don't see how anyone can say you're ugly. I've seen a number of your movies and they're all great. So, on't change a thing you're hot.
Ur Momma dresses u funny! Best insult I could come up w/ in a bored moment,,,,,Let me think though,,,I can usually be pretty offensive when pressed,,,
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