Well, according to my mother, some hippie organization is the reason why I have an uncircumcised dick. They sent out mass mailings claiming that circumcision was a crime against nature and brutally damaging to a babies overall development. Kind of like the PETA of foreskin advocates. My mother received one of their colorful letters right before I was born and it was apparently enough to convince her that leaving my penis unscathed was paramount. And that my friends is why my dick looks like it does today.
ad for that! :D
OOps! Half my comment didn't type. Was supposed to say I'm certainly glad for that! :-)io
Don't have to, because I know it would probably seem odd talking to your mom about it, but I wish you could tell her thanks for me! I'm glad she made the decision not to have you circumcised!! You look beautiful as you are Mason!! :) :)
This may sound like a dumb question, but why do people get circumsized anyway? I don't see the point...
Maybe it's just me....
Then again, I'm not the average guy that you meet XD
I'm expecting people to frown about what I might say, but the definition of uncut is not being circumsized? Who came up with that word? Some bored loser probably...
Better stop now before I say something that I might regret
Take care
bro ur mother did you a solid. the foreskin's there for a reason: to protect an extremely sensitive organ! medical people will tell you it doesn't hurt an infant but i've seen it done and some of those little guys are bawling! what a thing to have done to you on your second or third day of life!
i used to think that mass circumcision was started in the late 1800s as a well-meaning but misinformed initiative to curtail the spread of STDs. however it turns out its real purpose was to discourage little boys from engaging in the morally degrading act of self-gratification. oh, those 'whacky' victorians!
it has been noted that circumcision has been negatively associated with the spread of hiv in Africa. But it's a soft association: if you have unprotected sex with a poz guy you're at great risk, foreskin or no. And the risk can be mitigated by good personal hygiene. not an excuse to go around mutilating a bunch of guys.
Not a thing wrong with an uncut penis. I think they are pretty nice. I would like to find someone that I could get to know more intimately as well. Marcus is lucky.
the thing is too many doctors snip off way too much. my mom's OB/GYN did me right - I eventually thanked him. He only took off about half. I still have enough to shade it when i'm soft but when i'm hard, well, no complaints to date. i get the best of both worlds - no loss of sensitivity and none of the health concerns.
I tend to not like uncut because A) too many guys DO NOT KEEP IT CLEAN; and B) their heads up being so sensitive they blow too fast. That's my experience at any rate.
The association b/w circumcision and the spread of HIV is not, repeat, not soft. It is documented extensively to be highly effective at stopping the spread of HIV. However, it has only been shown to be effective with m/f not m/m interaction and then only in Africa. I posted on my blog about it last month.
Good for you! You don't need it circumsized! I'm jealous coz your dick is way more sensitive than mine! lol
This is my first time on your blog and it's made me laugh, so thanks for that! Your uncut story is great! Mine, no so funny. But, like you, my older brother is cut and I am not. My mother got talked into it (by my step-dad, I think) when we were in our early teens, if you can believe that. Until then, we were both as nature made us. She dragged my older brother (who is just one year older than me) to the hospital and had him done. Even at 12, he was a hard-ass, but he cried in his room for days. She was so traumatized by the whole thing, she left me alone. Lucky for me, cos I was one scared little 11-year-old!
cut or uncut Mason you still cute.
Wonderful body, but sad face...?
Thank You Unknown Hippie Newsletter and your mom for being enlightened!
I guess if you have to be cut (no real reason) the french cut is best,,you still have something to play with!
THANK GOODNESS for that organization and thank goodness for your mother actually listening to it! More mothers need to get those!
Well good for you Mom! ...and lucky you.
Although that hippie group sounds a bit extreme, I am VERY glad your mother decided against circumcising you. I prefer uncut penises myself and find them to be exceptionally beautiful. Yours is a perfect example! ;-)
No matter what your cock looks like, you have millions of guys who love seeing it. You are who you are, and I for one would not have it any other way :)
its really a great thing that any person in your family accepts you for who you are.. its really hard at first but slowly they will accept it because even though your gay or lesbian, straight or bi you are still a part of their family..
and even your uncut or cut as long as your happy... who cares?? dont think what other people say mason.. think about what you can say to your self.. as long you are a good person.. thats it...
im really a great fan of you mason.. hope you still continue the other side of you..
I am uncut too and i can't imagine life without playing with my foreskin daily. YOU ARE SO HOTT!!!!!
Interesting story - thanks for letting us know. Unfortunately my mom and dad were guided by Dr Spock and so my foreskin came off soon after birth. This was before he changed his mind. I'm OK with it, but a foreskin is a delightful thing in its own right, yours is amazing! BTW DeWayne in San Diego what is a "French Cut"?
I think this is one of the first pictures I have seen where you aren't smiling at least a little bit! and your dick looks GREAT just the way it is (at least it does to *me* lol :-)
i'm not circumcised either it just makes us unique so yay for us uncut guys
Cut or uncut you and your dick is still hot. I wouldn't mind sucking your cock all night long
I prefer uncut :)
fucking hilarious..."some hippie organization" lol
fucking hilarious.."some hippie organization" lol that made me laugh out loud...i can almost hear your a mom saying that...
The Dailymail.co.uk has published an article about the use of cells from circumcised newborn babies as an anti-ageing treatment for women.
American doctors make a lot of money removing the foreskins from thousands of American babies, #1- because parents within the privatized healthcare system have to pay extra for this and #2- selling the foreskins to the cosmetic industry. So there's a kind of brainwashing and pressure about "circumcision".
This removal of healthy erogenous tissue without consent leaves a scar where nerves are desensitized. These baby males are being abused for the sake of making money.
yeah!!! i would like to have nice relationship and to get together with wyler to have nice dinner and many more things to do my whole life!!! and i do care you, very very much and i want you very very much my whole life!!!! cuz i do like you wyler very much alway smile!!! and i do care you lots!!! love ya xoxox
Man, I would drop to my knees in a heart beat to be of service to you......
i like that ur penis is uncut!! is that a bad thing??
i'm uncut i have always thought white guys wih uncut dicks are just so fucking hot!! would love for you to fuck me with your!
Oh how I wish I were intact like you. Your penis is B-E-AUTIFUL in all its uncircumcised glory.
Of course, you just wouldn't be the same boy you are now if you were cut.
Your mom is a very intelligent woman. This is one of the most unnecessary and brutal surgeries performed today. As a nurse, I've seen any number performed on infant males and it is barbaric! Surgery should only be done when absolutely necessary. Thanks, Steve.
P.S. I love your uncut cock! Your pretty hot, as well!
Send your mother a thank you note from all of us. She made a difficult choice against all the "medical evidence," and I put "evidence" in quotes because it just doesn't seem to be there. I'm just sorry the hippie group didn't get to her before your older brother was born.
I hope you enjoy your original equipment because I sure enjoy watching it (and I'm jealous, too). :)
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