I like men who have standards. The standard of fucking boys they barely know as long as there's a mutual physical attraction. You don't like to put out on the first date? Not into hook-ups or one night stands? Then move along. I'm not going to wine and dine you(
unless your cock is the main course and your cum is the dessert). There won't be a next time unless the first time ended with hole-pounding explosions. We don't need to play twenty questions. I don't need to know what you do for a living and you don't need to know where I went to school. We don't even need to exchange names. Just call me slut and I'll call you Sir and we'll call it Heaven. Why waste time getting to know each other when the only thing I care to know about you is what you look like naked and how good you are at plowing my ass. I don't jump through hoops just to get laid and if you want my hole then you won't have to either(
that is as long as you're hot). The most difficult thing about getting your dick should be unbuttoning your pants NOT figuring out the right buttons of yours to press. I'm not patient and I definitely don't like to take ANYTHING slowly. Give it to me hard, give it to me raw, and most importantly, give it to me NOW. You want to play hard to get? Then play with someone else.
I want your ass on my fat 9 inch cock.
SIR/Topseed in Chicago
Part 4 is SO true!
LOL...the last line is the best!
mason, you wont even have to unbutton my jeans, ill undress myself for ya, just get into your favorite position!
You are a slut.
This has been Reality Check, and we aaare through!
You really are determined, aren't you? Well, it's nice that you're upfront about things, saying that sleeping with the guy is the most important thing (I'm not sure if I agree with that, but....)
Ah....I think I see what you're doing...(I may be wrong about this, but here is what i think is going on)
You create all of these trials for everyone to go through (well, those who wish to be with "The One and Only"); however in the end, you want someone who stands out from the rest. Someone who is courageous, bold, and slightly big-headed (I say slightly, and what I really mean is very big-headed lol). But then again, those are some of the words to describe you, isn't it? ^^
Well, the only thing I can say is the following:
Be aware of all circumstances and consequences. Once you have, then go for it!
Good luck, and I hope these "trials" are not in vain.
Good start with three blogs but we're gonna need about 50 blogs in the next week or your ps3 gets it. MwahahahahahahahMwahaMwa*coughgagcough* srry bout that evil doers smoke heavily.
oh i am so glad someone understands me
After reading this article, I really don't believe that you were raped! I hope, for your sake, this article is just a joke?
You only care to know how someone you're having sex with looks naked and how good they are at plowing your ass? Seriously?
I think you should care to know whether or not they are mentally stable, a rapist or how about if they are a serial killer?
You are in danger (especially since your life is so public) of really being kidnapped and/or raped, even if you are having sex with people you don't know in a semipublic place!
Actually none of what you wrote really came as a surprise since i've come to know you online..
but just one question (i'm not sure if you even respond to anything we write in here, which is cool, cuz i'm sure you don't have that kind of time.) so anyways back to my question...
is all this that you write coming from Mason Wyler the porn star, or from Mason Wyler, the guy who lives in Houston and maybe bump into at a gay establishment in?
Please don;t ever change mason. I love you just the way you are!
Mason you're a whore. Ha.
Well Mason if you are ever over in England I'd certainly make sure my cock was the starter, main course and desert. If you didn't mind missing some of the sights to have a weekend of fucking...
Very good question Tony, very good indeed. And I believe I may know the answer. I think that this applies to both personas. We all know that Mason is not his true name, but his adopted name. I'm like that; Ravs Desire is not my true name, but my adopted name. See what I mean?
I get the impression that he wants to confuse us in a small way, but hopes that there is someone who can see through the provado.
@Rav...I gotcha, man. I've known some porn stars in my time, and everyone of them is totally different in person than what is portayed on camera. It seems to be an escape for them.
For example, I know Caesar, and have hung with him on many occasions..and you would think he is this arrogant muscle head..but he's very cool to hang with, and has lots to say on lots of issues. And he can be a sweetheart as well.
So I do get what you are saying, Rav ( or whatever your name is..lol)
Tony, it looks like we are both on the same wavelength. You have given an example of my exct point, and I'm deeply grateful for that. I would like to stress that for everyone who reads it, don't be so alarmed, and don't takie it personally. He wants to find someone who will rise to the challenge, but also someone who plays the game right. There is no need to pretend that you are a different person. Once he sees that, then it's "Game Over". Be proud and honoured that you are who you are. Be courageous, and never let go of your determination.
P.S. Please call me Rav lol
Once you know whats right, then you know whats right. You can't forget that you know. But every now and then. . just to keep your sanity. . . it's nice to pretend you don't know whats right. . . just for a little while. Stay safe Mr Wyler.
Well considering the contradictions in his various blogs we could asume he's aiming for attention or we could correctly guess that like every other man on earth his moods change from let's have a friendly chat to where's the nearest slut with the best body depending on his level of arousal. However unlike most guys he isn't filled with parental enforced shame the second he cums. In the end any sexual shame people have is learned from childhood rolemodles and can be unlearned. As animals we are natural born sluts and should stop trying to repress it and focus on find ways to make it safe every time without losing pleasure.
OK,Rav (reminds me of one of my favorite foods, raviolis..haha)
Its great to see that we are on the same wavelength.
Back to Mason, I just hope he finds what he is striving for. I think under this veneer of slutiness, lies a guy with a big heart. And I hope the lines between Mason the porn star, and Mason don't become blurred.
Right, so now I'm being remembered because the start of "my name" is also the start of an Italian dish, thanks Tony ^^
I do agree with you Tony, that his true feelings don't exactly match with what he's saying on the outside. Also, I have a feeling that both personas get mixed up. It's easy to see his true intentions, but unforunately, most humans only see the exterior, not the interior.
As a extra point, I have a problem with "God sucks off goats" viewpoint. First of all, there is no such word as "unlearned", because it is virtually impossible to say, "Oh, I want to unlearn something today" <---sounds stupid and ridiculous. I think the word you are trying to use is "forgotten". OK, my next problem is "parental enfoced shame". Correct me if I'm wrong (and this is me speaking as an ordinary guy), all men think with their "brains", and I don't mean the ones in their head.
My lastproblem is the idea that animals are "natural born sluts". That is a common misconception, because the reason why animals reproduce many in such a small amount of time and have sexual intercourse regularly is because oof the term "survival of the fittest". Maybe you should look it up sometime.
P.S. Tony, my name hasn't been compared to a food before, but thanks anyway as that is a new way to remember me lol
u give the hottest blowjobs!!!!
check out my blog
LOL really like that straightfowardness :)
Your commentary defines why your relationship did not last and why others may be doomed. This commentary was about as superficial, pointles, self serving and narcisistic as I would expect from someone who is only into the "moment". This is why we, gay men, are never taken seriously because of this kind of narcisistic mentality. You are great on film but not so great as a real human being.
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