Almost 30 years ago Bette Midler sang, "
Friends", to a crowd of scantily clad, horny Manhattan gay boys. And today I say to you, she was right, you've got to have friends. Life gets awfully lonely without them. That's the way I feel anyway. I have work friends, but they all live in California and New York. I have old friends but they all live in Dallas and Fort Worth. I, however, live in Houston and in Houston I seemingly have none. The fact that I didn't have any friends became painfully obvious on New Years Eve, when both Marcus and I let 2008 come and go without even noticing it, both of us sound asleep while other, more popular couples, were out partying the night away, surrounded by their closest amigos. That week I realized I needed to be more social.

I first met Aiden back in January. I'm in porn, he's in porn. I play video games, he plays video games. I'm a bottom, he's a bottom. I have a boyfriend, he has a boyfriend. AND we both live in Houston. It was inevitable that we would eventually meet. Turns out, we make pretty good friends and there's absolutely no sexual tension between us... unless you throw a double -sided dildo into the equation.

I'm very glad to have Aiden as a friend but one friend is definitely
NOT enough. Especially for an insatiable friend-whore like myself. I think its particularly sad that I have over 25,000 "friends" on myspace but only one real life friend that lives in the same city as I do. I want friend
S, not just ONE friend. Not myspace friends. Not online friends. Not see you once every now and then friends, but actual, in the flesh, I'll hang out with you alot and often, make fun of you when you're drunk or when you're having a bad hair day, and I won't try to get into your pants, FRIENDS. I mean I have met a few people here and there, made a few acquaintances but no one else has really stuck yet.*
So in an attempt to kick my friend making initiative into high gear, I would like to address the gay boys of Houston, TX:
Gay Boys of Houston Texas, If you see me and/or Marcus at a bar, in a park, at a mall, in the bathroom, at an orgy, on the street corner, or anywhere else that we may be, feel free to say hello and strike up a friendly conversation.
Can you smell the desperation?
*This statement does not include a person that I will write about at a later date
I'll be your friend buddy!!
I wanna be your friend....But I live too far away
Funny how that happens, but me and my boyfriend have the same problem here in Germany. We even thought about moving back to the US. At least you have Aiden. Why don't you both just try hanging out in Café, start taking to people and see what happens? you also have Houston Gay Pride this weekend that is a very good opportunity to meet new people. Houston and Berlin will be partying together. Just Go for it and keep us posted.
*moves to Houston*
Wish I was in Houston TX. I understand what it's like to be alone. As far as New Years just being you and your partner, that's not such a bad thing. You just should have stayed up and celebrated. Made it an intimate moment (not necessarily sexual) between the two of you.
I think it is difficult in a new town. That being said, I have lived in Houston for 12 years and have found it hard to find gay friends. I always thought it was because I was older (I moved here at 38). I could find fuck buddies, but friends, not so much. Even now, with a boyfriend for 5 years, I find that most of our friends are his. we don't work out at the same gym, nor do i frequent the bars (except Guava) so I can't be much help to you. Besides, how would I ever approach someone as cute as you!?
I think I'm gonna have to move to Houston..
xbox or playstation?
I know you're looking for closer to home, but volunteering for the international arm of your friends circle!
Greeting and friendly hugs from the UK!
Cheer up Mason..and make sure you make the right choices..yeah friends are great, but be careful what you wish for. People aren't everything you make them out to be. Oh yeah, are you on Facebook?
Wait... Wait Wait... I am Alpha Friend! And will stay that way right?
Say Mason. Hit up Pride this weekend in Houston. I'm sure you will make all sorts of friends. Some may want more and some may just actually want to be your friend. I'm sure you can weed out the crazies and stalkers really quick. TWT Magazine says hello to you. When are you going to do a photo shoot for us? Some of the staff of TWT Magazine will be on hand in Houston for the Parade and festivities....
I'm a little perterbed by this...I emailed you once when I was heading down to H-town for the weekend to see if you wanted to go grab a drink. I never got a response. I was genuine, and sincere about only wanting to pick your brain about stuff. The only reason I know who you are is your profession, but I want to know the real boy inside "Mason." I tried to relay that, but alas, it must have fallen on deaf ears. I hope you find what you're looking for. Though, I'd still like to be your friend. If you make it to Austin, I'd love to hang. Though, I do go to Houston every now and then as well.
Take care.
lol i live in houston. i'm surprised i haven't seen you around actually. i'll be glad to be your friend if i ever see you.
I sure would like to be your friend. As long as I'm not too old!!
It's probably becaus you are a bit up tight, not as clever as you think and inconsistent that people aren't drawn to you. That coupled with the fact that you are a snob when it comes to others and expect total understanding in return. Your self modesty by which you excuse your behaviour is not authentic and frankly you have chosen a path tha means you don't have as much in common as regular folk. We either feel attracted to the sleazy appeal, embarrassed by the association or put off by the hot mess that we this k you might be. None of this is your fault really, you probably are a very regular guy, but your profile means that you will attract so e people and repell others. We all got that to an extent and we all feel lonely now and then. It makes us social. Anyway with a partner and a best pal you got more then many. I suggest you stop looking over the fence and enjoy the green grass you have. Slow down and fall in love with marcus again. Peace and best.
I would love to be your friend if I lived anywhere near you (I'm UK as well).
It's sort of a shame there's no sexual chemistry between you and Aiden. I'd love to see you two get it on. Would you still consider doing a scene if it was for work?
Go back to college. Ignore what Avenue Q has said and do it. You'll have friends in no time.
Every straight girl and gay male wants to have sex with you, even Aiden. Don't be naiive.
If you're both into each other and cute, and Aiden is cute, you should be able to mix sex and friendship without either party needing it to be ongoing or regular.
I can't believe you're becoming such an exclusive bottom, too. How boring of you.
As they say, choose your friends carefully! How about str8 friends? They don't all have to be gay, do they? I think you might have your horizons expanded significantly if you could find some str8 friends who really like you as a person and aren't just looking for the "gay friend" because it's cool. Hmmm ... maybe they don't exist! Who knows. Anyway, you have two great friends, which is more than many, as has been said. Enjoy what you have, and enjoy life. And ... have safe sex, please! :-)
I moved to Houston about 2 years ago and don't have many beyond work friends - or (m)any gay ones for that matter. I work at the zoo - I'm a keeper ;o) If you ever head to the zoo for a visit, let me know. I can get you "backstage" - IM: gambit1912
mason! you are too funny! i have actually seen you and your boyfriend at the gym a few times but didn't want to strike up a conversation with you...because 1) i was afraid i'd give away where i had seen you, and 2) i figured like any other celebrity you wouldn't want to be bothered while you are out and about---so just wanted to respect your privacy. haha..i think you actually tried making eye contact with me a few times. don't be afraid to hit me up next time. just to hang out of course.
Just wondering outloud, but you must get a big kick out of people who think they know you, give you personal advice..and yeah, (laughing) I'm one of those people.
I just finshed school in Houston and go back often. I would totally be down to hang out, and if I see you I will say hello.
MasonWyler's New BFF
Now on MTV!
Hey Mason,,,,I've lived in Houston for a few yrs now,,moved here because of friends,,stay because of friends,,,,not a bad place to live the life either,,, Also have seen u at the gym on a few occations,,also thought u were cking me out on more than one occation,,but thought u probably cked eveyone out,,,professional interest and all,,,,say something next time,,i'll do the same. I hv a bf,,a really great group of friends, totally smart,,smart asses,,fun people, txt & talk daily kinda friends. i even took a pic of u w/ my cell phone at the gym when u didn't notice to send to the bf to show him i was not in some wack gay fantisy world seeing a porn guy at my gym. So,,speak up next time ur cking out my body,,,,i'll do the same,,,u & Marcus just might feel at home w/ our group of buddys.
Dude the kind of friends u want u will maybe make 2 of in your life if ur lucky and u won't do it by advertisin 4 em.
Yep, Tom is right. You should really have more UK friends (believe me, they are nice people).
But I must say, be rather cautious when you speak to the Southerns (because of my personal experience with them)
Here's a thought....where I am, we actually have the official title of "The Party Capital of Europe", and yes, there are lots of gay bars there. You may want to visit there sometime, looks like you're sort of scene.
Bring anyone else there with you if you like, you may need some home support to wow the people even more (hahaha)
hi mason. i'll be your friend. what do you want to do first? let's go eat.
LMAO..laughing my ass off at Mick's suggestion..now that would be must see TV!
Mason, I would love to be your friend. I live in Louisiana...mid forties, so I could be your loving big brother-friend!
You seem like such a nice and genuine person (not to meantion HOT!)
email me if you like. or check out my blog at:
Nah! I don't want to be your friend. I don't like the stuff I've seen so far anyways. Do you have anything to offer minus the yukky stuff?
Hey, have one friend is better than having no friends.
if your looking for drinking people who love to play games why do you not just enter a gaming contest around town. (Yes i mean Houston) If you want to go send me a message i will give you the info of the next one. Great way to meet people who just love gaming, drinking, and partying and can stand a little challenge. I think the next competition is a Smashbrothers brawl one or was it halo.
Try volunteering somewhere where people share your interests. I volunteered at God's Love We Deliver in NYC, where chefs taught me to prepare meals for homebound people living with AIDS. I met awesome guys and even ended up as a dancer on their gay pride float at NYC's Gay Pride. Also learned some awesome kitchen skills! I started volunteering at Red Cross awhile back, and that was amazing too. I have an awesome gay friend, who works there. It's a laid back way to meet decent people.
Hey - go on a road trip to Austin and we'll go for dim sum:)
Mason I think we have something in common and that is not knowing peoples intentions. I'm in the same boat friends are far and few betweeen, true friends. Here in New Mexico being handsome etc people want to get in your pants, for me I wish I had a friend that had the same sense of humor, makes me laugh and my heart is at ease when they are are around. Your not alone, god I know its hard.
-best -JLF
Where are you and how come you haven't written? I'm waiting... You're my "online friend". I hope this message makes you happy...
I don't know you, and you don't know me. But I can tell you what I see behind the photos, behind the videos, behind the scenes, behind your eyes. I will admitt I have watched your porn, even gotten off to it. But I had an interesting thing happen to me while watching one of your videos. In the midst of all my own sexual energy and exileration, the camera suddenly panned across your face and I recieved a heart stopping glimpse of your eyes. My sexual gratification turned into a genuine enigma.
To the less in tune human beings that make up the bulk of your paycheck, you are just a sex idol. Which quite frankly is all porn stars usually add up to - objects. I however saw real emotionional capability in that short glimpse. So much so that I was actually slightly turned off to see you in such a debilitating position. Ironicaly, thats something I would gather most of your critics would disagree with me about.
As I looked closer I started to get a better look at the person I was seeing being completely used in front of my eyes. You abuse yourself to an obsessive degree. You imagine yourself in these immasculating scenerios and somehow in your mind it brings you a sense of enjoyment. Rape, abuse, complete submission and loss of control over your own body have become the mind set that drives you forward into a volcanic spiral of self hatred and abuse. You might realise or you might not that these sex crazed scenerios could not be any less about sex.
You may ask what I see behind your eyes that is so different than any other porn star or sex crazy fool in the industry. The simplest answer I can give you is potential. These other guys were either born simple minded and without a heart, or lost it somehow along the way.
You claim you are looking for love. Not suprising to me; those who have what I speak of usually do have a strong desire for exactly what you seek. Yet, you have in many ways shut yourself off to real love and admiration. Just read the posts from your "adoring fans". They love you so much, yet the only explanation they have to affiliate such affection is the desire they have to "work" with you.
In the begining im sure this attention inspired you and filled you with lust for life. But you're a smart guy and given time im sure it's dawned on you that the once thought love and admiration is just a skin deep carnal desire to sleep with you. Leaving the real you feeling lost and alone. No doubt leading up the the exact post im replying to.
I really don't know why im taking the time to write this to you, quite frankly there is no real reason besides me thinking in my head, "what is this guy with so much going for him doing to himself?" Being a 23 year old dude with a raging sex drive, im no stranger to porn, but im also a very good surveyer of people. You're better than this, or any of these people who can only see your obvious physical gifts.
Fall in love, love yourself, respect yourself.
I moved to Houston after living in Austin for three years, during which time I finished school and learned what a gym is. That being said, picking up and sleeping with hot guys in Houston is easier than shooting fish in a barrel. I mean, way easier! Just pick one, and maintain eye contact for ten seconds. Making friends, a little tougher. But it is possible. Just requires a little persistence. I'm friends with a hot, meaty, half Asian dude who met you and said you were pretty shy. I'll say hi to you the next time I see you.
Nick J.
Hey Mason,
I really enjoy how honest and up front you are in your blog. I also saw an interview you did with Jasun Marks from Jake Cruise.
Keep being who you are and the belonging that you seek will come to you.
Brasi1800 Said... Wyler, I'm your fan, regardless of any situation. You're beautiful and I appreciate your courage. Would do the same. Sex is good too. Be yourself, always authentic. You have many admirers.
From Brazil to Wyler Nation.
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