With the rise of Twitter, the ongoing success of celebrity gossip blogs/magazines, and the never-ending supply of reality television, I have to wonder, Are you really that asinine? Twitter? Really? What the hell are people smoking? "I'm writing a blog about blogging." "I'm scratching my nuts because they itch." "I'm sucking off a football team in the locker room."... If you like to twitter then you are easily amused and well... stupid. I'm no creative genius or original writer by any means but I at least try to be. I fail but I try. I'm always worried about whether or not you'll find my entries interesting, funny, offensive, or arousing. It's ridiculous how much effort I put into my writing especially since most of the time I end up making a fool of myself and since most of you can't read anyway (or prefer not to). Reading is for losers. But if I knew I could just spoon feed you crap then I would (different from the crap I'm spoon feeding you right now). I would just redundantly tell you what I'm doing right now at this very moment, no matter how mundane or dumb it may be. I would just promote every damn gay sex scene ever made. Or I'd just post pictures of people that I drew on and say something bitchy about them. And I'd do it over and over again just to drive up traffic and make more money. Apparently the key to a FINANCIALLY successful blog is quantity not quality. And quantity is something I'm thinking about giving you.
Would you still read Wyler Nation if I posted more often but the entries were even more retarded than they are now?
I'd read regardless of how often it's posted, but I'd rather have something WORTH reading rather than (as you put it) spoon-fet shit...
probably not, no offense but you aren't interesting enough for me to check this page on a daily basis :-p
The "why would I tell you what I'm having for lunch" argument is a popular one, but it's a lot like saying that bad graphics make a bad game: There's more to it than what's immediately accessible on the surface.
I love Wylernation the way you have it set up now, and I have no need to know what people are doing every minute of the day. If I wanted to tell someone that, I'd probably make him my new boyfriend.
Hey Mason,
You are missing the point of twitter, as are most people who don't know anything about it but are quick to criticize.
I am an education grad student at University and I have professors that twitter and it's of great use to us students. They don't twitter when they take a crap or do the dishes... they twitter useful links, articles, resources, tools, etc as they come by them.
Yeah, twitter can be used to dumb and trivial purposes, but so can any blog, or facebook page, or myspace, of website in general. It's all in how people choose to use it.
Don't like it? Don't use it.
Don't know shit about it? Don't criticize it.
I like the quality stuff! Besides, when you have gasms of posts its kinda hard to keep up!
I'd read your blog no matter what you wrote about! BTW, the girl in that photo looks like she's eating baked beans.
Hmmmmmm..thats a tough one..of course I'd still read, and still leave ya obnoxious comments that you never reply to..haha..and the answer is definitely NO as far as the question "If I Spoon Fed You Shit, Would You Eat It?" goes..sorry
I would watch you post about flossing your teeth lolololol smexy!!! wow i was gonna say "porno star" but hey you ARE a porno star :O - woah - it finally came in handy!
Mason, we met briefly on the Brooklyn bridge...when we met I was too embarrassed to say more than that I read your blog...but its true. Sure I watch your videos but your videos are more interesting because I read your blog. You've made me have respect for you as a porn star. I would read more if you wrote more.
P.S. Can you bottom for a black man please!
I want substance - and cock!
You're right, James. As long as people are able to find what they want and easily ignore the rest, it's useful and interesting. People who write in the first person a lot, and only about their egocentric interests, tend not to be very interesting. It happens quite a bit on blogs, too.
Don't change anything- I love this blog.
I'm with Bob on that one!!
Reading is for losers? What are you smoking?
Oh man that photo grossed me out! But yeah, I'll read the blog no matter what you write about. But mostly I like to read about the sex you have (esp. bareback!).
Well You are hot as hell, so I wouldn't mind, I guess I can always read your blog and imagine myself fucking you hard hahahaha that is so out of place but that's the way I feel take care bitch
I just bit the bullet and joined twitter lol. Love ya M.
I would like it if you updated your blog more often but if it's at the expense of quality control then maybe not.
We all know you're hot but you're also smart, articulate, funny and engaging. That's what keeps me coming back to your blog.
I am not reading your gross blog this time Mason. Feces is not sexual.
I don't read every day, so I have to catch up with your blog usually on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Still, I prefer quality over quantity :)
hell yeah - i go to your blog almost everyday to see if anything new has been posted. you're the only one i read regularly.
i think your blog is genius as is. i don't really care how often you post, so long as it remains honest, fun, sexy, intelligent, interactive and pro-commentary. there are more comments on this blog than on almost any other blog i read. keep up the good work! i don't really see it as an either/or situation. do what you want and fuck what other people say.
I haven't commented for aaaaaagggggggeeeeeeeesssss, but I check out your blog every now and then because I like it apart from the obvious reason that you're hot...erhem...as I was saying, if you changed your attitude to quantity not quality (albeit not wonderfully great at the moment) I'd be outa here!
ps. twitter; what the hell? the most pointless internet fad yet
Some blogs are popular because they post ever moment of every day the most mundane of topics. I prefer your blog because when I do get to read a new entry it is something new and interesting. (I tried saying this but I didn't really get it out how I wanted it. Sorry.)
Damn I want to fuck you. I bet you would be moaning "you the fucking best, you the fucking best, you the fucking best, you the fucking best you the best I ever had"
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